Gray has just been sacked from his job, and now his student loan is weighing on his shoulders like mount Everest, the sinister SLM Corp makes SURE of that. Faced with the hilarious never-ending purgatory nightmare of the unemployment office, Grary grasps for the first opportunity he sees; Becoming a ...
THURSDAY'S FEATURE --> Lost in Transition
Ozoneocean at 3:35AM, Dec. 30, 2010Quackcast Episode 9 has been posted!
skoolmunkee at 9:16AM, Dec. 28, 2010
Episode 9 - The Jumbo-Sized Holiday QuackCast That Ate Too Much Turkey
Dec 28, 2010
skool and oz just go all-out and talk about whatever strikes their fancy for about an hour. Somehow they manage to keep it about DrunkDuck, webcomics, and the holidays.
*Community shout-outs Part 2 (TD High, Fightsplosion ...
A bit of comic news for your holiday! Everybody be safe and have fun!
skoolmunkee at 11:09AM, Dec. 24, 2010Hey guys! Don't forget that the Drunk Duck newsposts now have an RSS feed! Get DD news right in your RSS reader!
Larry has a double announcement! firstly, sucks has reached 50 comics! Congrats! Secondly, Barry Reviews Webcomics ended earlier this week. There's not really an anti-congrats… I ...
RSS for newsposts, Quackcast #8, new DDer interview and bits and bobs!
skoolmunkee at 10:51AM, Dec. 21, 2010
Why do we call Drunk Duck members “DDers” or “Drunk Duckers”? I mean, wouldn't “Ducks” (or Drunk Ducks) be simpler? I dunno. :shrug:
The Drunk Duck newsposts now have an RSS feed! Never miss a newspost with this fancy newfangled technology (okay it's been around a long time ...
A small newspost but a good one!
skoolmunkee at 11:56AM, Dec. 19, 2010
On Monday, Jix by Sameth reaches 550 pages! He's also doing a Christmas special - so check it out!
Everybody go on and read this interview, it's hilarious!
Pieguy259 interviews Nergal of Why Does Everyone Hate My Guts!
Pieguy259: But seriously, folks. Tell me a bit about yourself. Who ...
Mafia, Secret Santa, finished comics and milestones- I am full of holiday excitement!
skoolmunkee at 4:21PM, Dec. 17, 2010
What are YOU full of?
You know the drill by now guys- MAFIA SIGNUPS HAVE COME AGAIN! The Flying Green Monkey is your GM and the theme of this game is: “The Spanish Mongoose Venom has struck again. This game is basically continuing crazy games based on the said Venom ...
A new interview is up, a new Quackcast is up, and some milestones!
skoolmunkee at 1:01PM, Dec. 14, 2010
Guess what! Nergal has interviewed Pieguy259 of Stickman and Cube, and I gotta say it's a bunch of fun questions and answers. Here, have a look!
Well the first thing I noticed is the awesome banner you have for your comic. You must get a lot of comments about ...