skoolmunkee's rules for success

skoolmunkee at 11:32AM, Nov. 16, 2008

skoolmunkee's rules for success

1. Get out of the house

Morning Squirtz by slimredninja &co. is getting an “artist spotlight” from Hustler Humor in their next issue, featuring 4 of their comics! Keep an eye out for that! (If you're old enough to buy it- or at least ...

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I like my coffee like I like a lot of things... like

skoolmunkee at 2:28PM, Nov. 13, 2008

Drunk Duck Secret Santa Signups! Do it! Creepy Santa compels you!

The Dreamer by comic_chic has gone on sale in comic shops! Go buy it- The Dreamer #1 from IDW Publishing! Here's the press release too!

In some particular order:

Armageddon Chronicles Prologue by Ryushin has reached 25 pages ...

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Thursday's featured comic is Strange Attractors!

skoolmunkee at 1:50AM, Nov. 13, 2008

Thursday's featured comic is Strange Attractors!

Who doesn't like a good old girly scifi story? Whoever they are, I don't want to meet them. Lovely Sohpie is the contented curator of the Museum of Lost Things (a place after my own heart). She isn't burdened with ...

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I totally started this before Ozone posted his but it took a long time to put together because there

skoolmunkee at 3:21AM, Nov. 10, 2008

Drunk Duck Secret Santa Signups!

Crossover High by Maverik & co. has been on Drunk Duck for a year! We're glad to have you. :)

JP's Bearly Abel has hit the 25 page mark! Congrats on the first milestone!

The following comics are 50 pages old!

Awesome by therealtj (and ...

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It's peanut butter santa time!

skoolmunkee at 4:43PM, Nov. 4, 2008

Hello everyone, I am back! Actually I have been back for almost 2 weeks now (geez) but for some reason I spent most of my free time playing on my 360. Oblivion is a WONDERFUL time waster. I love those Ayleid ruins.

Ozone had a pretty good idea with these ...

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Happy Hallows thingy... early

Ozoneocean at 10:52PM, Oct. 30, 2008


Woooo….. Yeah! Crappy animated gifs!!! Isn't that scary? It's like we went back in time to 1998! o_O
OMG! Then webcomics would all still be on Geocities… NOOoooooooooo!!!!


Carrollhach has some good news!

Clench and Cheese is reaching 300 strips in a week or so ...

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Milestones and other stuff!

SpANG at 4:05PM, Oct. 29, 2008

Not too much today, just clearing out my in-bin….

My comic Starfox Declassified has hit its 100th page! In celebration, I have decided to hold an event in the forums, the results of which will be reflected in my comic.

CornBreadtm's comic Stolidus Longinus just hit 25 pages ...

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Skoolmunkee has quit...

Ozoneocean at 5:05AM, Oct. 24, 2008

doing the news since she's on Holiday! Hahahaha!
You should see your faces. Man, that's hilarious. ^_^

Seriously though, we have some…
!!!Milestones!!! and !!!News!!!

The saxy rockstar webcomic artist Junoblairb's brilliant full colour comic Star Cross'd Destiny has not ONLY reached 200 pages, but is ...

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Tuesday is the day. The day for... More milestones!

Ozoneocean at 10:38PM, Oct. 13, 2008


-Remember Skool is away on holiday till the 24th so news goes to SpANG and Ozoneocean ;)

Kyupol's dramatic MAG-ISA is up to its 175th page! A great achievement seeing how he's produced so many pages of so many other comics as well.

JustNoPoint's huge fab colour ...

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It's the 75 page Milestone day today! ^_^

Ozoneocean at 3:31AM, Oct. 11, 2008


-Remember Skool is away on holiday till the 24th so news goes to SpANG and Ozoneocean ;)

First up we have Bravo1102 with Go a Viking. Go there and see an amazing comic made with photos of posable, exquisitely dressed dolls.
Oh and Bravo needs help with layout (probably HTML ...

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