Television and I have much catching up to do

Black_Kitty at 1:56PM, Feb. 12, 2007

Just wanted to peek in with some more news!

Crimson Dark has just reached 100 pages! YAAAAY!

There's a bunch of tutorials floating around on DrunkDuck. One of them that just popped up recently is TutorialXP which is a tutorial for sprites~

Don't forget about our beloved Comic ...

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Quantum Leap is a great show

skoolmunkee at 9:26AM, Feb. 12, 2007

Mourou's Pandemonium has reached 100 pages, and that page 100 begins the fifth chapter!

EmilyTheStrange has reach 325 pages in her comic Anarchy 2090! (Kind of a random number I know, but it's big anyway.)

shaneronzio's Cross Worlds Nexus is 150 pages old on Tuesday!

jgib99's ...

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Uhm.... MORE news!

Volte6 at 5:09PM, Feb. 8, 2007

Hey everyone, be sure to check out the Valentines Day nontest… we have winners! Send a card to your significant others!

Oh! And remember that whole Comic Book Challenge that happened last year? And the comic that won? Well sure he's been doing that great webcomic for free the ...

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Here be your frequent dose of announcement goodies~

Black_Kitty at 8:32AM, Feb. 8, 2007

Heylo you people of infinite delight!

Guess what? Flatworm's Blackheart has reached 100th pages! And to celebrate, there shall be a contest in which 10 lucky people can win Blackheart related goodies! YAY!

And if you're wondering who the winners are of the Valentine's NONtest…wonder no ...

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I have a news announcement too!

skoolmunkee at 2:14PM, Feb. 5, 2007


kytri's The Rift now exists in print form! The book is over 100 pages long and can be bought from Lulu, visit the comic page for the specific link to the book.

Todd Livingstone of America Jr. is back from his short break and he has a big ...

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New account tools!

Volte6 at 9:50AM, Feb. 5, 2007

Hey everyone!

We've put in some time to re-design the account management area. Besides the new look, you'll notice there are some new tools and information as well. Most of all, I would like to point out that you can now have your own forums, which also enable ...

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Does it smell like potatoes in here to anyone else?

skoolmunkee at 11:56AM, Feb. 2, 2007

Keep an eye out in the next day or two for a new Interview (under the News tab)! We might end up editing this line here when it is posted…

Aussie_kid's Enter the Duck is hitting 100 pages (and will also feature the return of an old friend to ...

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Webcartoonists' Choice Awards

skoolmunkee at 1:37AM, Jan. 30, 2007

Along with many other Drunk Duck webcomics, Hero By Night Diaries is nominated for a Webcartoonist Choice Award in the category of “Outstanding Super Hero/Action Comic” …We're getting the word out to Drunk Duckers to go support one of their own by registering to vote in the awards ...

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There is no spoon. Nor is there a contest!

Black_Kitty at 12:15AM, Jan. 25, 2007

Heylo duckies~ How would you like to participate in a “not a contest”? What am I talking about? Why, I'm talking about the first annual
“Not A Contest” Valentine’s Promotion

For those of you who for whatever reason is adverse to ...

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Movin' on up

skoolmunkee at 11:29PM, Jan. 22, 2007

Not quite so much today, but every bit is important!

carrollhach's Clench and Cheese (you know, the featured one) is 100 pages old today! Congratulations! If you check his author's comments, you will see there is a Trivia Contest going on too…

Also about to turn 100 is ...

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