JohnCelestri Announces YouTube Channel; The KAMics Makes 2,150 Milestone

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Feb. 19, 2024

Photo: “Doctor John *Original Gangster*” Logo. Created by JohnCelestri.

Here is a message from JohnCelestri, creator of Bloodwing Fire Fist Angel:

Hello! I thought a news item of interest to fellow DDers would be my Youtube channel that I've had for a number of years. ...

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Quackcast 674 - Fashion

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Feb. 13, 2024

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Do you change your style to go with current fashions or do you stick with your own thing and stay independent of changing trends?
This is complicated by the fact that most people's styles are often ...

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Creator and Creation

Banes at 12:00AM, Feb. 8, 2024

The Quackcast this week was about the idea of defining or understanding the artist by looking at the creation. It's a fascinating topic, and I had a few thoughts that were left on the cutting room floor.

The cutting room floor, in this case, is my emptyish brain wot ...

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Quackcast 673 - By their deeds you shall know them

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Feb. 6, 2024

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Art Vs the Artist part 2
Here we're fulfilling the promise of Quackcast 671 and examining what the art can tell us about the artist! Can certain themes, an art style, choice of imagery, jokes, humour ...

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Quackcast 672 - Fave Fantasy Creatures

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Jan. 30, 2024

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A fun topic this time. We decided to chat about our fave fantasy creatures. Mine was elves, Banes' had the bigfoot and Tantz had dragons! We chat about where our love started, why we think we like ...

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We gonna be awright?

Banes at 12:00AM, Jan. 25, 2024

Nothing really coherent occurred to me to write about this week, so here's a little ramble…

I was watching a little interview with an actress who was a lot more candid than most. She talked about experiences with some famous performers, and she had some things to say that ...

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Quackcast 671 - Art Vs the Artist

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Jan. 23, 2024

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Art VS the artist! Can you infer something about the creator from their creation? Do you think the art is an accurate reflection of the artist?

For THIS Quackcast I wanted to tackle the idea of whether ...

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Quackcast 670 - Wise use of influence

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Jan. 16, 2024

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This Quackcast is about using influence wisely! I had a DD comic creator come to me, apparently a bit distressed at some of the things we'd said in our last Quackcast about drawing adult comics- they ...

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Quackcast 669 - sexelant

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Jan. 9, 2024

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The number of the Quackcast is 669 so that means it's time for sexy stuff again! But despite the topic this isn't an adult cast and we keep things to a respectful tone.

We chat ...

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Quackcast 668 - Year in Review

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Jan. 2, 2024

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Happy new year. Happy 2024!
We're doing a year in review show this time because what else do you talk about in the last recorded thing/first presented thing of the year?
We chat a bit ...

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