THURSDAY'S FEATURE --> The Only Half Saga

Ozoneocean at 12:23AM, Sept. 30, 2010

Cabal is a dhampir; not quite human, not quite vampire. He walks between both worlds, not sure which to side with… The United Sates is nothing but a radioactive wasteland, vampiric predators stalk the remnants of humanity, harassing their attempts to preserve civilisation. This is Cabal's world, or what ...

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Monday feature -> GRAYLING

skoolmunkee at 12:00AM, Sept. 27, 2010

It's not immediately clear what is going on in Grayling, which is all right. We all need a little mystery in our lives, nothing is very interesting when it's just given to you. Apparently the residents of a farming village (who all have the same face) are surprised ...

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THURSDAY'S FEATURE --> The Beast Legion

Ozoneocean at 12:25AM, Sept. 23, 2010

The land of Lithopia has been free and peaceful these last 30 years… but that's all about to change now. The planets are aligning and there's nothing the king can do to avert the prophecy… The Shadow Nexus will return and once again plunge the kingdom into terrible ...

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24 Hour Comics Day, big fan-art contest, comic casting call, and Used Books in print! (and milestone

skoolmunkee at 1:34PM, Sept. 17, 2010

So Hey, 24 Hour Comics Day is coming up (October 2nd), are you guys doing anything? (If you don't know, that's a day where comic peoples try to make 24 comic pages in 24 hours!) Maybe some of you could get together to at least provide internet-support to ...

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Lots of milestones, and tiki_carol needs your help! (Don't forget to read me too!)

skoolmunkee at 12:15PM, Aug. 31, 2010

There's two newsposts today, so be sure and check them both out!

JazyIH's The Beast Legion has gone past 25 pages! And it's also now in print! You can get The Beast Legion Issue 1 at IndyPlanet!

Also at 25 pages is lagoticspy's Un Re Stop ...

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Monday feature -> VANGUARD

skoolmunkee at 11:01PM, Aug. 22, 2010

In the near future, a small team of genetically-engineered meta-humans defend our country's interests at home and abroad… *dramatic music* The Vanguard! It's a fairly standard superhero team with a Brit twist, and one of those comics where heroes are placed in an otherwise realistic world with a ...

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Would you like to be on WowioTV?! and your regular fix of milestones etc!

skoolmunkee at 1:38PM, Aug. 7, 2010

You may have noticed the little WowioTV addition to the righthand sidebar- WowioTV is going to become a regular thing, and Wowio wants to make sure there's Drunk Duck content! That means there's an open invitation to you DDers who feel like dabbling in a little broadcasting! Video ...

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News? On MY Tuesday?

skoolmunkee at 9:18AM, July 13, 2010

We've had lots of news lately! I'm having to up my game a bit! Only a bit, mind you.

subcultured's Dreams in Synergy is available in print!
Dreams in Synergy- Issue 1 at Indyplanet!

Happy and Tony Adventures, by WTHecksicle has come to an end. IT IS ...

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San Diego, DWEX Auction, Mafia, Air Raid Robertson interview, B.U.G., Shades ending, and milestones!

skoolmunkee at 11:30AM, July 11, 2010

Comic-Con Stuff!

You may recall from previous newsposts that Wowio will be at San Deigo Comiccon, and want DDers to get involved too! They want to know: Who else will be there, what kind of things they can do in their Friday night promo tent, and want to show your ...

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THURSDAY'S FEATURE --> Soul Symphony

Ozoneocean at 9:41PM, July 1, 2010

Poor Olivia. She just wants to be cynical, introverted and play her clarinet in peace, but annoying spirit Carl is having none of that! It is now the job of young Olivia Myers, with the help of Carljungan (who looks like a “cross between a rat and a kangaroo” ) to ...

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