Strange Creatures Milestone Announcement

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, May 21, 2018

Usedbooks writes:

My side project, Strange Creatures, just passed 50 pages, so it's kinda legitimate now. It's more of an illustrated novel than a graphic novel. Anyone looking to check it out, I recommend starting at the beginning to avoid spoilers:

Oh ...

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How the "She Makes Webcomics" Documentary Connected the Dots on the Impact Comics Have Had On My Life

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Oct. 23, 2017
tags: Books, MILESTONE, Used

While searching for the perfect show to stream one evening, an interesting title popped up on my Queue list. It showed a Rosie the Rivetter inspired drawing with a paint brush and the title “She Makes Comics” written below it. As an avid fan of documentaries AND comics AND a ...

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Quackcast 344 - Active/Reactive characters

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 17, 2017


Some characters are active and others are reactive. Reactive characters mostly only react to things rather than make them happen so they can be very boring if not done right! Active characters are the ones that drive events by doing things and making stuff happen, these characters grab your ...

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Crossing Over

Banes at 12:00AM, June 15, 2017
tags: comic, crossovers

Cinematic Universes are the big thing these days. Or they're trying to be.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is expanding to further-flung corners all the time: I couldn't believe some of the “cosmic” characters who appeared in the Guardians of the Galaxy volume 2. Characters I would have thought ...

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The Comedy Plot, Toolbox Edition (part one)

Banes at 12:00AM, May 11, 2017

Hello again!

I'm gonna continue for the next two or three weeks about “The Comedy Toolbox” approach to comedy structure.

There is quite a bit of crossover between this method and other methods you've heard of. But that's probably a good thing; there should be some similarity ...

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HyenaHell at 12:36AM, April 28, 2017

Welcome back, friends! Today we're gonna talk about deadlines!

When I took over this here Friday blog from my (much more capable) predecessor, I asked Oz, I says, “Oz- I can write whatever I want to, huh?” And he may or may not have actually greenlighted that but if ...

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Quackcast 301 - Let it snow!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Dec. 13, 2016

Art by Ozoneocean

Banes and Pitface live in a parallel world to me where this time of year involves water falling from the sky in the form of fluffy white crystals. When it hits the ground it piles up on top of itself into huge white piles! Freaky, I ...

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A Roundup of Recent Fixes!

HippieVan at 12:00AM, June 3, 2016

We've been implementing various bug fixes and improvements over the last little while. For those of you who don't always check the forums or the Facebook group, here's a little roundup of what we've done so far.

The Top Ten: The top ten is now based ...

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Buying In

Banes at 12:00AM, June 2, 2016

I'm all in!
Poker reference.

We've all read comics that grab us and get us invested completely in what's going on. And we've read others that don't do it for us. Most are probably somewhere in between, with hits and misses. Such is life.

And ...

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