First newspost of the year! *fanfare*

skoolmunkee at 1:44AM, Jan. 4, 2010

To start the new year we've got a great new interview - legomegacy interviews BlkKnight of Crossing Death and other comics!

20. Have you changed or changed anyone during the run of your strip?

Plenty. I'll list them all as fun facts.

1) Brick was originally slated to date ...

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The last newspost of 2009!

skoolmunkee at 3:08AM, Dec. 31, 2009

Okay guys, this is it! The last day of 2009! Time to get comfortable saying things like “ten” as the date! (I remember wondering what we would call the 0-years). AMAZING TIMES, like living in the futuuuuuure. I have given up on making resolutions, but if you are that kind ...

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Ho ho ho!

skoolmunkee at 1:28AM, Dec. 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!!!

And I mean that in the general ‘happy holiday feeling’ sense and not the religious one. Goodwill toward men and so forth! Robot Santa, Haunnukah Zombie and Kwanzaabot are all friends here! And anyone else I'm probably forgetting. ...

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Return to our regularly scheduled newspost

skoolmunkee at 5:16PM, Dec. 21, 2009

I am guessing the server move is over because the forums are back up and most things seem to be working! I have no idea whether the move was successful or not- we haven't heard anything yet from the guys at Platinum. I'm sure if something has gone ...

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Site freeze (temporarily) over, new interviews, and milestones!

skoolmunkee at 1:39PM, Dec. 14, 2009

OK- The site is sort of back now. People should be able to update their comics, leave comments, post on the forums etc.

Unfortunately something went wrong with the database transfer over the weekend, so they're going to have to do this 48-hour freeze again. I'm not sure ...

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THURSDAY'S FEATURE --> The Continentals

Ozoneocean at 10:58PM, Dec. 9, 2009


It's 1889, barely a year after the mysterious Jack the Ripper's murderous rampage and equally mysterious disappearance the city of Mansfordshire, England is shaken by a series of brutal “mangling” murders that plunge the city into an abyss of fear.

The Continentals is a gorgeously funky Victorian crime ...

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Well okay, two more interviews then!

skoolmunkee at 10:59AM, Dec. 7, 2009

Oh heck why not? I'll post up these other two interviews too!

Pieguy259 interviews legomegacy of My Sister the Demon and others!

What first inspired you to create it? Where did it come from?'s tricky and funny. I mentioned before I was a photographer. I do ...

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A new DD user interview is up!

skoolmunkee at 11:06AM, Nov. 5, 2009

I'm making a lot of newsposts this week!

Okay guys, this time it's another interview of one of our very own DDers:

I Am The 1337 Master interviews Hunchdebunch of Quest for Zanvadas, Last of the Wilds, and others!

4. Q: What is the Quest for Zanvadas going ...

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Mafia Takes Over, Tells Everyone They Are Special

skoolmunkee at 10:06AM, Oct. 12, 2009

Product Placement is once again GM of the DD Mafia, and you can sign up for DD MAfia XVII: The Madness Continues if his special brand of killing folks off appeals to you! He describes the upcoming game as: “This time I'm using the standard setup except my twist ...

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Admin makes awkward news-food metaphor, hopes no one's appetite is ruined

skoolmunkee at 2:46AM, Oct. 8, 2009

We've got a number of tasty news bites today, its variety and quality will satisfy any news buffet enthusiast!

There's a new interview up! Anubis interviews spearcarrier of Akashik! (Don't forget there are lots of other great interviews in the interview forum too!)

9. Do you take ...

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