QUACKCAST Episode 121 - Banes talks Toonboom Studio

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, April 16, 2013


This is another Quackcast in our technical series focussing on the stuff people use to make webcomics. This week we focus on the art program chiefly used by Banes in the making of his comic, Typical Strange, and that program is Toonboom studio! Toonboom is mainly for doing ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 120 - Kevin Hayman EXTRA

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, April 9, 2013


Kevin Hayman is STILL Owen Wilson. In Quackcast 120 we have the extra bits that were nice and funny and reasonably webcomic focused still so we made another Quackcast out of it! We had LOTs of fun.There was a bit of salacious gossip that we had to ...

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DD Awards discussion needed! Hephaestus milestone, and Monday chit-chat!

skoolmunkee at 12:01AM, April 8, 2013


Regarding the DD Awards 2013 planning:
To change the topic a little bit (we can still revisit categories later on) is there any thing you liked or did not like about previous awards that you would either like to keep change or eliminate?

Please feed back in this forum ...

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DD Awards planning needs your participation! Also Radio Play 2013 and milestones!

skoolmunkee at 12:14AM, April 1, 2013

The DD awards are still under discussion, so find out about running or being nominated for the 2013 DD comic awards! Don't forget to participate in the category discussions, because some categories are going down without anyone to advocate for them!

The DD Radio play is looking to get ...

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Milestones and sandwiches! (No milestone sandwiches though)

skoolmunkee at 11:32AM, March 8, 2013

Sorry these milepost announcements are a little bit late! I have problems with change and I was confused by the new newspost schedule. :]

Byth1's comic The Legends has just hit 100 pages! Keep up the good work! :] Here's it's description! Updated on fridays! New Carolina, the home ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 100 - Ah needs mah stories

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 23, 2012


In Quackcast 100 we open up the influential stories topic to the community! Our Duckers let us know what stories have made the biggest impact on them as creators and comicers. Banes and I read them out in hilarious voices with lots of laughing at our own jokes ...

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Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 16, 2012

Annie Chang is a pretty good engineer, with just a hint of special powers… She can build up quite a strong electrical charge in her body. Well the world needs its superheros, as many as it can get, even ones with very little power or ability, so with people like ...

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Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 9, 2012

Murts is about the mysterious world of dreams, not dreams themselves but the place dreams are made out of and what goes on underneath, around and outside of the dreaming mind- the hidden dangers lurking, waiting… Sleepers are vulnerable to nightmares who want to ensnare them, this is the story ...

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DD Awards - finalists are in! And volunteers, please!

skoolmunkee at 11:18AM, July 29, 2012

From Gunwallace:

Character Development celebrates 100 episodes and page 700 with a fun-filled episode with gut-wrenching special effects (well, just vanilla yogurt and gold flakes to simulate squid vomit spread everywhere, actually).

The finalists for the DD Awards 2012 have been announced! Head over and see who's made the ...

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Featured comic -> 13live

skoolmunkee at 12:01AM, June 4, 2012

This classically-styled manga is about the last man from a team of the original scientists working on a destructive energy weapon meant to protect a nation. However he's more than a little uneasy with his work - not just the animal tests, but also the nature of the machine they ...

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