Loads of news today, a little bit of everything! Signups, too!

skoolmunkee at 1:44AM, Aug. 10, 2009

Lots of stuff today so listen up!

First up we've got community stuffs:

FUSION SIGNUPS TIME! This is a fun, easy way to get into a community project without a lot of work! The Fusion is kind of a ‘game’ where the first person makes a panel, passes it ...

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DD Awards- finalists announced! A new interview is up! Publishing and milestones!

skoolmunkee at 2:24AM, Aug. 5, 2009

The DD Awards are underway! The popular-vote nominations are in, and you can see the finalists here! Congrats to everyone who snagged a nom, and good luck! Special thanks to amanda and JustNoPoint who have put a lot of time and effort into running this thing… their work isn't ...

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Contest, interviews, and more!

skoolmunkee at 1:24AM, Aug. 3, 2009

Dreamwalkers by Graphictruth reaches 50 pages today! He adds that it is also a chapter wrap-up!

SonicEdge7's Dis Reality has also reached the 50 page mile marker!

We've got a contest, people! Fly Hue of Triple Torture is launching a monthly contest. View the 3T Forums to win ...

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"Featured" Comic- the Drunk Duck Awards 2009

skoolmunkee at 4:46AM, July 27, 2009

“Featured” Comic- the Drunk Duck Awards 2009!

A lot of people didn't realize that these were happening last year, so we're hoping that featuring them will give them some publicity and help bring in lots of nominations! These are put together and run by you guys from start ...

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DD Awards- time to nominate!

skoolmunkee at 11:11AM, July 25, 2009

I made a small announcement last week, but now it's time- visit this page to nominate comics for the award categories! You have until July 31st- so take a look at the form, cogitate a bit, and get cracking!

After the nominations are done, things will be narrowed down ...

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Mafia needs YOU! Fusion finished, fanart contest, and milestones!

skoolmunkee at 9:43AM, July 23, 2009

Mafia XII signups are ON! Salsa is running it this time, and needs “a whole mess” of players- so I'm sure 5, 10, 15, or even 20 more people would be welcome. It looks like quite a mashup of myths, with mages, alchemists, valkyries and death machines. What is ...

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Posting Monday news on Sunday afternoon, whynot?

skoolmunkee at 9:39AM, July 19, 2009

Just like last Monday, this Monday we have a new interview up!Harkovast interviews jgib99- and here's an excerpt!

Question 6
There are a lot of naked/semi naked women in your comic, what made you decide to include that? Do you just like drawin’ em or was it ...

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News I was supposed to post Monday - a new interview, and milestones!

skoolmunkee at 1:49AM, June 24, 2009

Hey everybody! A new interview is up! This time around, Pieguy259 interviews Pirka of Interdimensional Transfer Student Erro! I think you should check it out (and perhaps leave a reply letting them know what you think?)!

Now onto the meat of this tasty interview sandwich: Interdimensional Transfer Student Erro (what ...

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DD interviews, community stuff, and milestones!

skoolmunkee at 1:05AM, May 11, 2009

In case you didn't know (I'm guessing most of you don't), the signups for Drunk Duck Fusion XXIII are up! What's the Fusion? People who sign up taking turns drawing a panel - but you only know what happened in the panel just before yours! They need ...

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Massive news update today!

skoolmunkee at 4:05AM, April 9, 2009

Massive news update today!

Earlier this week there was almost no news, and since then loads of news has come in! What's with you guys, eh? Is the full moon making you more productive or something? Not that I'm complaining! :] Now go and eat some marshmallow and chocolate ...

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