Congratulations to all DD Awards Finalists!!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Aug. 11, 2014

Hear ye, Hear ye!

After the long and arduous journey of seeking voting nominations for the annual Drunk Duck Awards, the official list of finalists has been released just in time for the judges to deliberate over the final outcome of the awards. This is also a reminder for everyone ...

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Quackcast 176 - Endings, part 3

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 22, 2014


- Pic by Genejoke

For our FINAL part of our discussion of story endings we talk about yet MORE ending tropes, methods and styles. In a fit of towering arrogance and indefensible pomposity we even trash the mighty Shakespeare for his ending of Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet! Our ...

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The Balancing Act of the Real World and Creating Webcomics

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, July 21, 2014

My personality appears extroverted in the right social situations when I am surrounded by like-minded people, however I know deep down that I am truly an introvert because I recharge when I am by myself and drawing.

When I first started getting serious about webcomics in college, there were many ...

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Site problems - update

Ozoneocean at 6:00AM, July 8, 2014

Update on the image situation. There was a potential security hole involving the image server. The hole has been corrected. JustNoPoint had to update some keys in the process that are used to access the image server.
That was done successfully.
The codes in the html for the site have ...

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Quackcast 174 - Endings, part 1

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 8, 2014


- Pic by Genejoke

This is the end, Beautiful friend, This is the end, My only friend, the end… so drones Jim Morrison in the classic Doors song, but this isn't the end, rather it's a Quackcast ABOUT endings! Today we talk about the ends of stories ...

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Turn in Your 2014 DD Award Trophy Designs!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, June 16, 2014

School is out for the Summer! Congratulations to all our recent graduates and good luck embarking on your future endeavors. However, if you find yourself with an excess amount of free time because you do not need to go to summer school or hold down a summer job, then making ...

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QUACKCAST 167 - Anatomy of a Villain

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 20, 2014


Today we talk about villians! Kawaiidaigakusei made a newspost about villains that generated quite a bit of interest so Banes and I had her on to chat about them and read out some of the things our community members had to say.
Kawaii can introduce the topic in ...

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Call for Original Art Database and Last Call for Early 2014 Drunk Duck Awards Planning!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, May 19, 2014
tags: 2014, Artists, Awards, Call, DD, for

I was searching for an appropriate image to post for the newspost a few weeks back, but was met with a dilemma. Even though the Internet holds a vast collection of images to draw from, copyrights and intellectual property rights of original characters should be respected. The majority of images ...

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Elsewhere Ending and Used Books Milestone!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, May 12, 2014

joe5art says:
Elsewhere is finishing up its long running space/time adventure as it hits 200 pages on Drunk Duck. That has parodied Back to the Future, Star Wars, Star Trek among other series. Our group of characters look forward to continuing on with other stories of the mundane and ...

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Let's Talk About Villains

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, May 5, 2014

I used to take the side of the cheerful, positive, and heroic protagonist in films and comics when I was much younger. As I got older, I wised up to the idea that being a protagonist is relative to biases of the storyteller. Now I rewatch those same films with ...

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