Making mistakes in your art

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Aug. 20, 2021

Three things happened that inspired me to write this article.

1) When reviewing an episode we recently completed for one of our comics, I realised I had missed a key character design aspect of one of our boys. Although it was not egregious, I did notice it, and it has ...

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Staying Organized

damehelsing at 12:00AM, Aug. 15, 2021

It’s no secret that having a healthy work life revolving around your webcomic could be because of organization.

Staying organized can help you understand where your characters are, the path they’re taking and their part to play in the story, and that could eventually help you figure out ...

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ART: wrong time or wrong crowd?

damehelsing at 12:00AM, Aug. 1, 2021

Is there a specific age for a specific art style? Maybe an expiration date for some? Or is it just entirely dependent on the crowd?

Hey hi hello ducklings, it is I, the damehelsing.

So, as stated before, I’m here to talk about art, the “time periods” of art ...

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Interviewing Miranda of "Into the Swell"

damehelsing at 12:00AM, July 25, 2021

Hello ducklings! I’m back with another interview, and this time we’ve got our wonderful sea captain Miranda! So, Captain Miranda, please introduce yourself!!

Miranda: Hello ducklings! I'm Miranda! I'm a full time computer engineer and in my spare time I enjoy baking, doing puzzles, playing video ...

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QUACKCAST 537 - Historicity

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 29, 2021

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We have a chat about historicity in this Quackcast. What IS historicity? It's historical authenticity basically but a nicer way of saying it! It's pretty ...

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Is it Luck?

damehelsing at 12:00AM, June 27, 2021

Have you seen ”The Road to El’Dorado”? If you pay attention to the movie, the whole thing is pretty much based on luck.
Spoilers ahead if you haven’t watched the movie!
We witness luck happening from the start of the movie when Miguel and Tulio have been using ...

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Writing Writers

Banes at 12:00AM, June 24, 2021

I read some writing…advice? Or commentary? Or something like that years ago that pointed out how often amateur writers will create Protagonists who are writers. If I'm remembering correctly, this was expressed as a bad thing, probably because it's overdone. On the one hand, they say write ...

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Shaking off creator's slump

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, June 18, 2021

The last few months have hit like a sledgehammer, leaving me with a profound sense of “slump”. That feeling of lethargy lazily tangled with a lack of motivation for anything creative. This got me thinking of ways I can shake off this heavy fog and step into the light of ...

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The KAMics Reaches 2,000 Page Milestone!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, June 14, 2021

Photo: Update No.2000 of The KAMics by KAM


The KAMics reached 2,000 pages on Friday, June 11, 2021.

Have a nice day,

*If you inspect the most recent update of the KAMics closely, you will be able to see a suspenders ...

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WHY you should STOP CARING.

damehelsing at 12:00AM, June 6, 2021

What is one of the big things that holds us back? Normally it’s us caring too much, caring about what we do, how we look, what others think and more.

Last week, while writing the article The Magic of Frames I was talking to PIT_FACE about it and she ...

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