Have things settled down a little? How about some news?

skoolmunkee at 4:04AM, July 27, 2011

Hey all! If anyone reading this has bugs they want to report, you can either use that Feedback tab sticking out on the left, or post about it in this thread! I'm trying to keep the first post updated, for people curious to see what the currently reported issues ...

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The Duck Webcomics is live!

srhdt at 2:40PM, July 15, 2011

Just to reiterate the latest Get Satisfaction post from Lawrence:

Things to note:
* We've temporarily removed the Post Count and Last Post columns on the main Forums page, as it was causing the page to load very slowly. We still intend to get those displaying again in the future ...

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Uploading and Logging In will be disabled July 1st, 3pm (PDT). New site to launch July 5th. DETAILS

srhdt at 9:58AM, June 30, 2011

Site Re-launch: The Plan

Hi everyone,

So we are now only a few days away from the scheduled relaunch of the new Duck Webcomics site.

Several of you have been wondering about the migration plan. When will it happen? What is involved? How long will it take? What happens to ...

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Some good news, some sad news, some milestones...

skoolmunkee at 11:16AM, May 29, 2011

A big congratulations to Niccea, site moderator, Mafia princess, and all-around great gal- who has gone off to get married and have a bit of honeymoon! We wish you the best!

Sad news today:
Our pal and long time Heroes Unite/Heroes Alliance collaborator Hero lost his house in ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 26 - Build Audience, Work Hard, Profit! Part 1

Ozoneocean at 4:43AM, May 10, 2011

For the first of this two-parter on making money with webcomics, Skoolmunkee and Ozoneocean are joined by Ronson a.k.a. Chuck Rowles, creator of “The Gods of Arr-Kelaan” and former DD admin.

Listen to QUACKCAST Episode 26 - Build Audience, Work Hard, Profit! Part 1

Site News:
- Kickstarter for The ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 23 - And Then He Said, Let There Be Characters!

Ozoneocean at 8:56AM, April 19, 2011

This time Skool and Oz talk about the fine art of character creation- With lots and lots of input from the words of other DD creators!
Listen to QUACKCAST Episode 23 - And Then He Said, Let There Be Characters!

Featured Comic:

Organized around Scott McCloud's criteria of Inner ...

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Ozoneocean at 12:14AM, April 14, 2011

Hocusha, Sorceress for Hire, no job too big or too small! This magical gal does all sorts of odd jobs in order to make a crust, from protecting mafia mob bosses, finding lost dogs, even being a personal shopper and… doing “love” spells. Life is hard as a magician for ...

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skoolmunkee's Wednesday Laff Revue

skoolmunkee at 3:21PM, March 16, 2011

Good evening ladies and germs! How are you all doing tonight? Me, I'm beat! I just flew in from Pittsburgh and boy are my arms tired! I'm gonna do my best to put on a good show for you tonight though, because I have a strong work ethic ...

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DrunkDuck Site Redesign Blog #4

srhdt at 10:22AM, March 4, 2011

Hi Everyone!

Time for another weekly update on our site redesign development process. We're currently working on improving the uploading process for comic pages. In order to optimize page loading efficiency, uploaded comic pages will be re-sampled to a standard .png format. Going through this step will not only ...

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Ozoneocean at 11:21PM, March 2, 2011

Teenagers all wake up in a hospital without any memory of who they are or how they got there. As more and more of them meet and compare experiences things seem quite strange… But they're about to get a whole lot stranger! …And then even stranger than that. And ...

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