Roll Out the Red Carpet!

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, May 11, 2024

It's that time of year again, where preparations and the first stages of the Drunk Duck Awards 2024 are already underway!

It's about time, then, that the Red Carpet opens!

As it was the case the past years it's been running, this year too the Red Carpet ...

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Drunk Duck Awards 2024: The Musical

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, April 22, 2024

Photo: “You Are Invited to the Drunk Duck Awards 2024”. Drunk Duck Awards 2024 by Niccea. (April 2024)

Niccea writes:

Welcome to the 2024 Drunk Duck Awards, a Drunk Duck satire of the Oscars featuring the creators and comics of The Duck Webcomics. I am your Master of Ceremonies, Niccea ...

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VOTE for the Second Drunk Duck Anthology Cover Design (OPEN) Throughout April; The Drunk Duck Awards Have Returned.

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, April 15, 2024

Photo: “Niccea Has Invited You to Join Drunk Duck Awards” Discord. (April 2024)

A Flock of Dreams Cover Vote

The second Drunkduck anthology is nearing completion, while there's still work to be done it's definitely very close.

With that in mind it's time for you to vote ...

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Hurt and Comfort

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, April 13, 2024

There's few moments more dramatic than when the hero gets hurt. The more serious the injury (or illness or poisoning or other type of affliction) the higher the drama.

And from that drama (the hurt) comes the period of treatment, convalescence, and recovery (the comfort). This is a plot ...

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Character Deep Dive: Stringy from Stringy and Mopy

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, March 16, 2024

Today we’re tackling Stringy from the action-packed comic Stringy and Mopy by MegaRdaniels!

As with every character deep dive, I seek to do as thorough an analysis as possible with what I’m given for the character requested. (By the way you can sign up here if you want ...

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Animated X-Men ‘97 Series Picks Up Where 1997 Left

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, March 11, 2024

Photo: “Memorial dedicated to Professor Xavier” from X-Men ‘97 Trailer. Characters owned by Marvel Studio and Disney+. (2024)

A teaser trailer for the latest Marvel installation of X-Men’97 was released a few weeks ago leading up to the first episode’s release on Wednesday, March 20, 2024.

The one ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> They’re Both a Kilogram

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, March 6, 2024

Alea is known by the alias, Feather, a heroic fighter protecting the town of Havpork from monsters. Enter Steel, the effervescent arch-nemesis of Feather, whose namesake is the opposite of soft and light. The town of Havpork has been left without a hero following an unsuccessful battle against Steel, where ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Magic Power Ball

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Jan. 17, 2024

Things are looking great for young Maria, she's just been made the captain of her volleyball team and they're off to compete in a tournament tomorrow in another city. Even better, when she gets home her parents are out so she can do whatever she wants! That's ...

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“I Love to Sing’a, Like the Moon’a and the June’a and the Spring’a”

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 15, 2024

Photo: “I Love to Singa”. Owl Jolson. Merrie Melodies directed by Tex Avery. (1936)

“I Love to Singa”, a 1936 vintage episode of Merrie Melodies, follows a story of a young owlet under the moniker Owl Jolson that enters a radio show contest under the radar of his parents.

The ...

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A movie playing a movie disguised as another movie

Banes at 12:00AM, Nov. 23, 2023

There's a specific type of movie “trick” where we'll see something that seems as though it's really happening. I mean, it seems like it's “really happening” within the movie.

For instance, it'll be some kind of elaborate action sequence, or horror sequence, or whatever, but ...

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