Photo: “Part 11”. Original characters and story created by GrapeApe. Nocturne 21. (November 2023)
Anniversary Milestone
Here is a message from GrapeApe, creator of Nocturne 21:
November 22nd marked the 20th anniversary of my comic Nocturne 21! Twenty years ago my angsty teenage self picked up a crappy composition ...
Cheers for the 20th Anniversary of Nocturne 21!!
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Dec. 4, 2023Last Week to VOTE in the Drunk Duck Awards Ballot; M.Organ turns eighteen; Nocturne 21 Achieves 100 Pages!
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, July 3, 2023
Photo: “Duck and Quail: Drunk Duck and Insecure Quail”. Written by Genejoke and Tantz_Aerine. Drawn by Davidxolukoga. (June 2023)
Niccea writes:
“The day is finally here!!! The 2023 Awards ballot is open.
Also…I need Presenters and Judges!!! Please consider volunteering. Judges have join our ...
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