DUDE… where's my problem? In this truly excellent number sixty nine Quackcast we get to the second part of our exploration of screenwriting techniques. We quickly recap on last weeks story structure outline and genres and then move on to talking about three NEW genres: Out of ...
QUACKCAST Episode 69 - Dude with a problem, screenwriting part 2
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 20, 2012
dd soap 10,
Dude with a problem,
Episode 69,
Guinea Something Good,
screenwriting part 2
Featured comic -> Guinea Something Good
skoolmunkee at 12:01AM, March 12, 2012
joegp has already provided us with one featured comic featuring talking guinea pigs, why not another? They're irresistably cute, with their fluffy ruffles and little black eyes. And they're also pretty snarky for a bunch of semi-intelligent rodents! This comic will teach you life lessons aout getting your ...
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