Freddy Krueger's special day and the Anthology of Dreams

Banes at 12:00AM, Sept. 26, 2024

We're jumping ahead a bit, here: I meant to do horror/halloween related articles throughout October, starting next week - but I caught a little video that reminded me of a special anniversary happening this year!

Freddy Krueger and his first final girl Nancy down for a 40th Anniversary reunion ...

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Making Amends

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, June 1, 2024

So your villain has just made a heel-face turn and is now one of the good guys. Yay!

…not so fast!

The moment where an antagonist turns on their own side and joins that of the protagonists is extremely powerful. But unless it is part of the overall story's ...

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Quackcast 328 - How to get people to read your comic!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 20, 2017

Art by Ozoneocean

Today we're going to chat about how you go about getting more readers on Drunk Duck for your webcomic! Hyena hell did an amazing newspost about it for us, outlining all the ways you can increase your audience here on DD in her fantastic, colourful ...

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Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 14, 2017

This is a weird one!The story starts with a gritty but hilarious reality TV show on in the background and then we slowly get into the MEAT of the story. There's a dinosaur, on sale… more a measly million dollars! But who has that kind of money? The ...

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Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 13, 2014

Otto is a pretty fantastic engineer, he's the best of the best; highly paid at his company, a very innovative thinker, generous, and humble. Set in 1985, this version of reality is a little different from what we know today… in the distant past a mighty robot being ...

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