Episode 592 - Back in MY day!

Jul 18, 2022

History is happening faster now. With the growth of universal high speed communication and cheap world travel, culture and technology move at unprecedented speeds. Because of these factors the rate of change is different to what it was at any time in the past. This is an objective and verifiable truth rather than subjective perception: the current speed and quality of global communication has never been possible before and that has ramifications for how the world changes.

Topics and Show Notes

This topic was inspired by Banes's newspost last week about how a huge stoush on American late night TV only a little over ten years ago is now unrelatable history; something that was so important then is largely meaningless now. A fight over TV time-slots lacks meaning for us now because time-slots are irrelevant, not to mention most people would rather stream than watch TV. And yet at the time it was vitally important, as it would have been in the 60 years or more before that.

My cover image references phones and how they've changed at an ever increasing rate over the years. They've changed so fast and so universally that you can date when something was made to a granular degree just by seeing a phone, to the year. In the past you could read an old comic or see an old TV show and there weren't that many differences to the present day because things changed slower. You could see that fashions and the styles of things had changed but mostly it was still all very relatable and you could not easily pinpoint the date of something to the year it was made from only a single item of tech.

The pace of change means that many stories happen in ways today they couldn't in the past, but it also means much more things from the past are harder to relate to for people who've had no direct experience of them in the historical contexts they came from…
What are some of the things you recall that have no meaning today?

This week Gunwallace has given us a theme to FrayFall - In the words of the maestro: “Still in a soundscape sort of mood. Calmness, but demons lurking is what I was going for”… And this is what we get with a seemingly serene landscape of slightly pulsing tones, fading in and out and overlaying one another like the calls of distant whales in the green-deep open ocean… But the thing about depths is that you never really know what’s lurking down there, just out of sight.

Topics and shownotes


Banes' Newspost about modern period pieces - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2022/jul/11/you-call-that-a-period-piece/

Featured comic:
Book in Hat - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2022/jul/12/featured-comic-book-in-hat/

Featured music:
FrayFall - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/FrayFall/ - by Frae, rated E.

Special thanks to:
Gunwallace - http://www.virtuallycomics.com
Tantz Aerine - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Tantz_Aerine/
Ozoneocean - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/ozoneocean
PitFace - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/PIT_FACE/
Banes - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Banes/
Kawaiidaigakusei - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/kawaiidaigakusei/

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Episode 590 - Fave Superhero Movies?

Jul 4, 2022

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I wanted to do an easy and fun one this week and just chat about our fave superhero movies, starting with our firsts! For me and Banes it was Superman with Christopher Reeve. It's a real classic, full of positivity, hope, and optimism, all with bright colours and classic iconic imagery… In that way it's a bit like many of the Marvel films and the more popular DC offerings like Aquaman and WonderWoman, but without the overbuilt and over-defined muscles!

Episode 589 - AB positive

Jun 27, 2022

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A and B stories… And C, and D etc. It seems that it's more popular than ever to have stories with multiple concurrent threads. This is when you have a main story and a bunch of other sub stories all happening at the same time. These might come together at the end of the story or they might peter out. We don't get many stories just made with just an A-plot and nothing else these days.

Episode 588 - Revisiting Old Ideas

Jun 20, 2022

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Sometimes it's worth revisiting old ideas because you can do them better or explore them deeper. This could be in the form of a full reboot, or it could be as simple as reusing a pose in a panel or using the same theme again like Pixar does with 90% of their output i.e. “coming of age”. Like them you don't need to feel obligated to always do something totally original, revisiting old ideas is a great way to refine them, create better work, or explore different aspects of them you hadn't considered before and put new and interesting spins on things. Consider that Pixar's Turning Red, Encanto, Moana, Coco, The Incredibles 2, Ratatouille, Inside Out, Brave, Onward, and Luca all share the same “coming of age/childhood independence” theme and yet all do it in unique and original ways, exploring different aspects of the idea from all sorts of angles.

Episode 587 - Heroes who are Villains

Jun 13, 2022

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Our very own Tantz made a newspost last week about the idea of “Heroes” who are really villains… or at least they're actually villains who think they're the hero, but come to realise that they aren't. Sometimes that makes them change their ways and they seek redemption, maybe even becoming a true hero. Sometimes they just lean into and embrace their true villain nature.

Episode 586 - Working with disability

Jun 6, 2022

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How do you keep on with your creative output when something happens to you? When you lose function or are impaired in some way, how do you adapt or relearn so you can keep on as you were before? Maybe you can't and have to change to another medium that's a better fit for your abilities? Comic creator Bravo1102 once talked about how he moved from drawing to using action figures to make his comics partially because of his eyesight. My own eyesight has suddenly started to go bad and I'm having to adapt to that, and Tantz tells us how her deteriorating eyesight forced her to work digitally.

Episode 585 - Adaptation

May 30, 2022

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Adaptations of one thing into another is an interesting process. What's lost, what's gained, what modifications do you have to do to make it happen? As webcomicers we do it all the time in many ways, we have to adapt our influences into ideas, adapt those to stories, and adapt those to images and comics, which isn't trivial! It's often quite difficult to transform the written word into narrative sequential art- what portion of the writing gets directly turned into images, what's cut, and what becomes dialogue? For me about 20% is cut, 78% becomes art and 2% becomes dialogue or captions.

Episode 584 - Drawing gender

May 23, 2022

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We start off with the idea of talking about art techniques, tips and tricks we've mastered and could help people with but the cast turned into a discussion about drawing male and female characters- also trans, androgynous, etc. There's an art to representing gender in imagery! It's super important to remember that the way we see gender in art is mainly culture based rather than an innate biological reaction and the perception of gender in art is different according to your cultural background. It's basically a visual language that everyone learns, but as an artist you have to learn to actually “speak” it, and that's not as straight forward as you think.

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