Episode 301 - Let it snow!

Dec 12, 2016

Banes and Pitface live in a parallel world to me where this time of year involves water falling from the sky in the form of fluffy white crystals. When it hits the ground it piles up on top of itself into huge white piles! Freaky, I know, but they tell me this actually happens. For me December is a time for heatwaves and the beach. So Banes and Pit enlighten me and all you out there on the beauty of snow. The idea for this Quackcast was based on a newspost by Banes. He talked about the use of snow in comic stories as a plot device. We talk a bit about that here, along with all the different visual aspects of it and how you can use it in imagery. I apologise for the sound quality here, something strange happened with my microphone settings. Gunwallace's musical theme was for Man Bun: Heavy, bass driven funk rock, with dark chocolatey, bluesy lyrics. Classic, cool, and hot!

Episode 267 - The DD Community asks Banes

Apr 18, 2016

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In Quackcast 266 we interviewed the mad Mr Banes… We turned a giant battleship spotlight around and shone it directly into his eyes and bombarded him with high explosive armour piercing questions until he eventually failed under the onslaught, keeled over and sunk down into the depths, drowning all his brave seamen… Wait a minute, Banes isn't a ship, I got carried away with my metaphors. Anyway, that was then and this is now! THIS time we turned it over the the community instead (Pitface's idea), and they asked him all crazy insane questions. Banes answered with good humour like the amazing guy he really is :) Gunwallace gave us an amazingly cool 1980s videogame and metal themed turn for Satan Ninja 198X!

Episode 236 - The Songcast/Drunkcast

Sep 14, 2015

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Pitface, Banes, Tantz Aerine and Ozoneocean reunited for a repeat of the legendary Drunkcast of Quackcast 137! Almost exactly 100 Quackcasts later we hit the booze again, but this time we had a goal to pursue with our drunken ramblings: music. We decided to talk about what themes inspire our comics, inspire us and represent our comic characters… and we came up with a LOT, too bloody much for me to link to dammit! We've also included all the links to the Quackcasts where themes for our comics appeared, AND Gunwallace has done the theme to Putrid Meat so it means ALL our comics have themes now!!! So enjoy our silly drunken chatting, this is who Drunk Duck Quackcasts are SUPPOSED to be!

Episode 143 - 2013 DD Awards Reboot

Nov 25, 2013

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Niccea is the guest for Quackcast 143 because Banes and I are talking to her about how the 2013 DD Awards are going now! With the great DD blackout of 2013, the DD awards suffered a titanic blow... Things were just getting underway for the year when BOOB! ...or "BOOM" rather... it was all over. But on the urging of kawaiidaigakusei, Niccea kicked it into gear again! Now the awards are progressing in good order, but Niccea can always use more help so if you'd like to be in on this please follow the link in the Quackcast notes to the award forum.

Episode 127 - Early Influences in Print Comics

May 28, 2013

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For Quackcast 127 we asked the DD community about the traditional print comics that influenced them over the years, from their early days onward. No webcomics! Only the old printed kind in comic books or newspapers, or gum wrappers or... however else people got their comicbook goodness. And it was TOTALLY ok to talk about mainstream comics like Batman and Superman if that was their thing or obscure stuff no one ever heard of or weird embarrassing crap like He-Man comics, whatever, it's all good, we wanted to know! We got quite a few responses and we thank everyone for those, It also gave us a chance to do our funny voices again, which we appreciated!

Episode 106 : Real World Comic Collab - Part 2

Dec 17, 2012

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In this Quackcast Banes and I come back to our series on real world comic collaboration. If you've been listening a while you may recall that he and I decided to start up a comic together between the two of us. We talked about the process of getting that started. Here we revisit the idea and talk about how we're going with it so far... have there been any arguments? Any flakeouts? Disasters? Can Banes get his soufflé to rise juuuuust right? Will Ozone fail in his first catwalk runway show? The viewers must know! A collaborative comedy comic is a hard road when you're starting from scratch and we give you a real world view on how we two are doing with it. Note: Quackcasts will take a break over Christmas and New Year and will be back on the 8th of January!

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