Quackcast 229 - Enter the Dragon's den: comic book shops

Jul 26, 2015

Tantz and Pitface join Banes and Ozone to talk about comic book stores and the experience of going into them... Yes, that's right: webcomicers actually going into REAL bricks and mortar places that sell comics printed on PAPER! o_O It turns out that none of us really do that anymore for various reasons and we all have different recollections of going to cimicbook shops in the past. We also recount the experiences of other DDers who've described their comic buying adventures. Check out Gunwallace's haunting and desolate theme for the comic No Future, Vanish In Time.

Episode 183 - Work Life balance

Aug 15, 2014

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This Quackcast topic was inspired by a newspost by Kawaiidaigakusei who described a short autobiographical account of her own experiences managing the difficult work/life balance of doing webcomics online and at the same time having a normal life otherwise. How do you balance those? What do you sacrifice to keep a comic going? Is it worth it? In this Quackcast we discuss those aspects, as well as some saucy banter to begin with...

Episode 55 - Genres Revisited

Dec 13, 2011

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My attractive assistant Skoolmunkee agreed to another guest appearance in order to re-adress this topic. I asked people about their favourite webcomic genres, why they like them and what makes them so cool and interesting, whether it's the genre they like to read or create in. The genres we covered chiefly in your previous genre Quackcast (number 29, http://www.drunkduck.com/quackcast/episode-29-genres-generally-speaking/), were fantasy, slice of life, post apocalypse, and spiritual, and declared that post apocalypse the winner. This time we all decide that steam/diesel/cyberpunk is best! We briefly try and tackle superheros, but nothing much comes out of it except the brown Lantern...

Episode 11 Part 2 - Amelius and Evil Emperor Nick Continue Invading!

Jan 18, 2011

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This podcast is Part 2 of Episode 11, where the interview with guests Amelius and Evil Emperor Nick (of Charby the Vampirate and Cwen's Quest) continues! Lots of discussion about writing and influences in this half as well as some good advice.

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