Episode 118 - The Industry Standard

Mar 25, 2013

In Quackcast 118 Banes and I approach the subject of Photoshop, attempting to give a quick intro to the dark, mysterious, primordial creator god of webcomics... in our own rambling way, well in MY own rambling way since I'm the on bumbling through pretending to know what I'm talking about while Banes asks sensible questions to prod me along onto the correct lines again. We chat about layers, setting stuff to "multiply" and what that means, mention short-cuts, pallets etc. One of the conclusions we come to is that good old Photoshop is such a gigantic behemoth that as a webcomic artist you don't really need it anyway since it's massive overkill and there are many specialised art programs that are more streamlined and more clearly focussed on the art skills you need, BUT if you really MUST have a pro photo-editing tool like Photoshop hopefully this gives you at least some brief info on it- as much as you can without screen-shots and stuff. :)

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Dreams of a Dark Hunter - http://www.drunkduck.com/Dreams_of_a_Dark_Hunter/ />

Episode 111 - Banes Overcomes Character Obstacles on His Own

Feb 4, 2013

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For this episode we asked many of our esteemed DrunkDuck creators to weigh in and enlighten us on the subject of creating and overcoming obstacles for their characters. This of course ties in with Quackcast 109 where we discussed aspects of that topic with Pit Face and Tantz Aerine. Here we specifically asked: "Obstacles, challenges for your characters. How do you create 'em? How do you and your characters overcome them??? Just tell us about the things you go through with your characters and their plotlines!". Due to a small misunderstanding Banes heroically handled this entire Quackcast on his own!

Episode 86 - Ghosts of Features Past

Jul 16, 2012

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Our idea was to revisit some of the interesting featured comics from the past years... We picked features that appeal to us and that are still on the site, commenting about what we like and don't like about the art, writing, design, style of humour, type of story, and the genre.We hope this will be an interesting topic to revisit in future Quackcasts too. The feature spotlight is fleeting and only happens once to a comic, then they sink away again, so it's worth having another look at the great and wonderful glories of the past to see just how great and wonderful they were! I'm joined again on the Quackcast by my personable and friendly voiced co-host Banes!

Episode 77 - MoniqueM, Exceptional Artist Extraordinaire: Part 1

May 14, 2012

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Today with have lottsa specials! First up we have the first part of an interview with amazing comic artist Monique MacNaughton, AKA Coydog (http://www.drunkduck.com/The_Coydog_Experience), This highly skilled Canadian woman has been drawing comics for many years and is one of my personal comic heroes. She has more comic art skill in her fingernail than my entire body. She's here to share her skills with us and let us into some of the crafty tips, tricks, and techniques of comic drawing. And still no musical but something better: a custom acoustic Icelandic metal version of the DD theme by Gullas, and finally a blues number played by Gunwallace and sung by some loser!

Episode 71 - Institutionalised Superheros, Screenwriting: Part 4

Apr 2, 2012

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This is the 4th and last of Banes' screenwriting tutorials. We round up here with the final two story genres; "Superhero" and "Institutionalised", rounded out with some more useful time and tricks on writing in general! This series has been part of the Quackcast screenwriting month, beginning with Quackcast 68 and ending with Quackcast 71. Aaaaand we also have all the voice tryouts for the aspiring actors that want to be a part of the 2012 DD radio play! We'd love you to vote on your faves for each role- just write down the number you like for each and email your vote to drunkduck100@yahoo.com, or PQ them to http://www.drunkduck.com/quack/compose/?user=ayesinback or just write it here in the QC comments!

Episode 68 - Save the Cat for the Screenwriting

Mar 12, 2012

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This marks the beginning of our story writing month! We're focusing exclusively and intensively on the art of writing, following on naturally from Kroatz's clever take on the concept of the monomyth. Bane's special interest and expertise is in scriptwriting, particularly movie screenwriting, so this is the approach we're taking. Screenwriting translates perfectly to comics even more than it does to novel writing or play-writing so hopefully this should come in handy to our webcomicing writers out there! First up we begin with an outline of general story structure, then move on to an explanation of some of the different TYPES of story.

Episode 65 - Men and Women in Tights

Feb 20, 2012

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Banes and Ozoneocean round off the topic of superheroes, beating that wonderhorse to death well and truly. There's a lot of reminiscing here about ancient superhero pop-culture and along the way we discuss silver age and golden age comics, supervillains, second stringer superheros and why the remain that way, the gender and culture appeal of some characters, evolution of superheroes towards realism and grit, then webcomic superheroes, especially those on DD, and then finish up with why we like superheroes. Sidekick Captain-Ozone continues to echo disturbingly from the void while the real hero, Ultra-Banes, continues to bring the humour. We decide that it all comes back to Superman and Batman, who are the ultimate prototypes for the two main types of superheros: super, good, and perfect Vs normal, flawed, and human.

Episode 64 - Of Gods and Superheroes

Feb 14, 2012

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Superheros Banes and Ozoneocean have it out in a titanic, world-shaking battle complete with sparkly flying electricity vividly written sound FX and a laser light show to see who will be top-dog in the Gothic metropolis of Quackcast city. Ozoneocean attempts to lull the audience into a false sense of security by reciting everything he knows about superheroes and various gods and then comparing the two in his echoy, god-like voice. Meanwhile, banes counters with the rather unusual tactic of trying to entertain them with his hilarious wit and clever improvisations. We discus the origins of superheroes, superheroes movies and everything in between in the first of this two part Quackcast marathon. Re-issued episode 64! We discuss superheros

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