Episode 226 - The Power of Contrast
Jul 5, 2015
In this Quackcast I interrogated Mr Banes on the subject of his first newspost: Contrasts. It's a subject near and dear to him, even his comic "Typical Strange“ has its name based on the concept, i.e. two words with the opposite meanings put together to create an effect. In imagery contrast is used to make darker shapes appear darker and lighter shapes lighter and to create a tension where those areas meet at the penumbra. In writing and comics it's much the same, ”laughter and tears“, ”good and evil", a sad scene contrasting with a joyous one etc. Contrasting makes both contrasted elements appear far greater than they really are, as well as serving as a source of tension, conflict, or humour. Banes and I talk about this in a rambling fashion. Gunwallace has a special treat for us today with a brilliant theme for Dead Leon! You'll want to ask him for a copy of his one ;)
Topics and Show Notes
Topics and shownotes
Featured comic:
PreteenDemon - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/PreteenDemon/
Based on Banes's newspost:
Contrast and Conflict - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2015/jun/29/thursdays-with-banes-contrast-and-conflict/
Banes' comic:
Typical Strange - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Typical_Strange
The drunkduck awards - http://theduckwebcomics.com/Drunk_Duck_Awards_2015/5486338/
Special thanks to:
Gunwallace, our wonderful musician - http://www.virtuallycomics.com
/>Banes, your lead host for this evening - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Banes/
The theme song by Gunwallace this week was for:
Dead Leon - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Leon/ by UltimateZ
Episode 225 - To Fan-service or not to fan-service
Jun 29, 2015
Today Banes and I talk about the subject of fan service in comics (and other pop-culture). This Quackcast was inspired by a newspost by HippieVan of that same title. We're helped in our discussion by the really interesting contributions of many smart people on DD... that we read out in High-larious voices! Is fan service a good thing? How do you think about it in stuff you read and see? Do you put it in your own work? Why? Why not? These were some of the things we talk about on the subject. Also, catch Gunwallace's great theme for Grueson!
Episode 224 - Finding your own voice as a writer
Jun 22, 2015
For Quackcast 224 I've asked Kevin Hayman back again (KOTA's world, Mailbox Rocketship, Erant Apprentice), to regale us with his Owen Wilson stylings... But seriously, the topic is "finding your own voice in writing", i.e. learning not to imitate your hero's, move beyond that and write in your own style. Kevin is a really funny and interesting guy who's been doing webcomics for many many years since the very earliest days of Drunk Duck and he has some great insights to impart on "finding your own voice". You can also catch KOTA at the Mississippi comic con this weekend! -Enjoy Gunwallace's lovely, creepy musical take on our featured comic, Restless.
Episode 206 - Turning An Idea Into A Comic
Feb 16, 2015
Back in January our own HippieVan was in a quandary as to how to turn a creative idea she had into a webcomic, so she decided to put it o the DD community and croudsource their wisdom via a newspost. Banes and I thought the topic would make a good Quackcast, especially since we could read out all the interesting and informative posts people made on the subject! Banes has also approached the idea previously for Quackcast 68 where he outlines a screen-writing method called "save the cat", also known as "The Banes' Method". That Quackcast was since deleted but as a special treat I will re-upload it!
Episode 204 - Talisman returns from exile
Feb 2, 2015
Way back in 2012 Ozone interviewed the marvellously talented and professional Barb Myers about her art and her fantastic comics. Well it's 2015 now and Barb has finally been able to put out the whole of her comic "Talisman: Return of the Exile" for sale on Amazon! So of course now was the perfect time to catch up for another chat. I first came across her lovely comic on Drunk Duck years and years ago when it was called "Return to Donelly", it was a beautiful looking piece of work and it rightly brought her to the attention of the pros. It was picked up for Keen spot and then a publisher wanted to sell it in bookshops everywhere. Well things went screwy after that and it never really reached its full potential unfortunately. It disappeared from radar totally. Well now it's BACK! You can buy this great 108 full colour fantasy comic book story for only $10 US dollars. Mine should get to me on about the 10th of February. ^_^
Episode 190 - The Halloweencast!
Oct 26, 2014
For the Halloweencast Banes and I will be journeyed beyond the veil, down into the depths of webcomic HELL… There, we encountered the LOST and the DAMMED: the tormented souls of abandoned webcomics that were ended before their time. Deep underneath the black, soaring Gothic spires of DD HQ lie the labyrinthine catacombs, dry, dusty crypts, and ossuaries where the bones of old abandoned webcomics go to rest and moulder away, their lonely souls pining for the time when they could see the day and frolic in the sun, with viewers to keep them company. Watched over by the great demon Death Porn and harried by mischievous spriter sprites, the poor souls languish in their solitary torments, hoping to one day be reborn anew! For the Halloweencast, Banes and I asked for contributors to name some of their old lost faves so we could pay our respects to these tragic cases, give them a voice once more, and hopefully return them for a few brief moments to the sun again by sending some more viewers their way.
Episode 156 - The Abt Nihil and Pit Face Bottomless Hero Alliance
Mar 3, 2014
Today we welcome a dastardly new bad guy alliance between three powerful super villains of Duck City: Ozone Evil, Pit Dastardly, and Abt Destruction! In their pirate lair aboard the bottomless pirate ship, the trio revel in their shared passion for bottomlessnessnessnessitude. Abt and Pit go on to chat about getting comics published in paper form, the Hero's Alliance community project, and the Mega City 2:2135 Judge Dredd fan comic project.
Episode 150 - Just No Point, It's All In a Name
Jan 20, 2014
This week we have on JustNoPoint! He was one of the brave souls that helped get DrunkDuck back on its feet again after so long being down! JNP tells us about his millennia spanning comic project focussing on the Devon family, he also tells us about how it was to get DD up and running again and what he'll be doing for us all here, and lastly he tells us about the trails of doing the DD awards in the past and how he kept that going for so very long! JNP is an interesting man with a lot of talent and a great accent!