Episode 429 - Bad ends, not bad fans

Jun 2, 2019

This Quackcast was inspired by the fan reaction to Game of Thrones, a series that I haven't watched but Tantz and Banes have! Specifically it's about poorly written endings and gas-lighting fans rather than admitting to faults.

Topics and Show Notes

No matter how great we are at writing (and the GOT guys MUST be good to have created such a popular show), that's no proof against writing a poor ending. Endings are the HARDEST things to do well, it's devilishly easy to flub them. Most fans of the GOT series seem disappointed, which would indicate it's more likely to be a bad end than them not “getting it”, but that seems to be the narrative. And we've seen that happen before with things like the Mass Effect Game series, the Battlestar Galactica reboot, Dexter, Lost etc.
The industry has to support their talent so they'll defend the poor work regardless and gas-light the fans. To be fair,poor endings can be beyond the control of the creators: lack of budget and a mental breakdown gave us a very improvised end to Neon Genesis Evangellion… the creators did the best with what they had.

But the lesson I take away from this is that sometimes, just sometimes, fans are right, and we should listen to them when we're creating. NOT by giving them the silly shipping and fan-service they secretly dream off, but to help us realise when we're veering wildly off-target.

This week Gunwallace has given us the theme to Embrace the Pun - In the words of the great man himself: “sax and violins … it's a musical pun as a theme tune.” The measured, stable regularity of the violin and quiet percussion are contrasted starkly against the wild wanderings of the jazzy Saxophone as it stomps into the room, kicks over the carefully arranged furniture and pees on a pot plant.

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Featured comic:
Completely Unrelated - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2019/may/27/featured-comic-completely-unrelated/

Featured music:
Embrace the Pun - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Embrace_the_Pun/, by BarryCorbett, rated E.

Contributions red from this thread - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/forum/topic/178163/

Special thanks to:
Gunwallace - http://www.virtuallycomics.com
Tantz Aerine - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Tantz_Aerine/
Banes - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Banes/
Ozoneocean - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/ozoneocean

Episode 426 - Sidekicking

May 13, 2019

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Inspired by Emma Clare's Friday newspost about supporting characters, today we're discussing sidekicks! Sidekicks are a useful character type that are used in so many different ways. They can be a specialised type of supporting character that are also a main character or they can be the main protagonist in some cases. In comics sidekicks came in during the early days as a way of giving juvenile readers their own insert character who they could identify with… Bucky Barnes, Jimmy Olsen, Robin etc. They had other functions like giving the hero someone to save, providing commentary, reaction and exposition. Later when that kind of sidekick fell out of favour they became superheroes in their own right.

Episode 417 - Can we be better?

Mar 11, 2019

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What is Social Marketing? Basically its word-of-mouth and viral marketing smashed together and weaponised: Marketing companies hijack hot-button social issues and hitch their client's brand to them in clever campaigns (“We can be better”, etc). The purpose isn't really to make a brand seem progressive, modern or new, rather it's another way of getting it trending on social media that's guaranteed to work, unlike the legion of hit or miss but mostly failed “Viral” campaigns. Whether people say negative or positive things about this issue is irrelevant to the marketer, as long as people are talking about the brand is all that matters. Free advertising is the goal, but it has a social cost.

Episode 416 - Making cuts

Mar 4, 2019

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The entire team is here this time, no one was cut… So we're chatting about CUTTING, as in cutting out scenes to make a story cleaner, leaner and less flabby, but also NOT cutting because in a webcomic you don't have to, and when you cut badly you end up with a “D movie” effect where story scenes don't follow, don't make sense and plots seem to go nowhere or happen for no reason.

Episode 411 - The Right to Copy!

Jan 28, 2019

4 likes, 5 comments

Copyright is a huge thing! It allows us to make money from our creations and stops other people from stealing them. But culture isn't about a series of billions of totally original ideas invented from nothing- absolutely NOT. Culture grows from ideas that are recycled, reiterated, and reinvented. It's all quite derivative and mixed. So there has to be a balance between respect for rigid copyright and some flexibility to work with existing ideas.

Episode 409 - Meaning, Intention, and symbolism

Jan 14, 2019

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The topic we discussed in this Quackcast was looking for symbolism, meaning and intention in comics: The English literature approach! Deeper meanings and all that. It's fun to do actually and sometimes you really can hit upon the intentions of the creator, uncover NEW meanings, or just do it to entertain yourself. We used our own comics for an example and talked about things beyond the superficial for a change. For example: Banes' comic Typical Strange is a sitcom set in a video rental store, staffed by a group of characters that make up the cast. Why is it set in a place that is clearly decades out of date and relevance? A video rental place is an anachronism in this time. Is it saying that the characters themselves are stuck in time? It's a sitcom comic so situations often reset or rewind back to the status Quo, so that interpretation would seem to fit… Of course that wasn't Banes' deliberate intention but it's fun to think about that way.

Episode 406 - Amateur Vs Pros Merry Christmas DD!

Dec 23, 2018

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Merry Christmas one and all! And all that stuff. This year our release date falls exactly on the 25th! It was a busy year for us, lots happened. But in this Quackcast what we chat about is something rather different: the difference between pros and amateurs, specifically when it comes to comics. There's this common misconception that an amateur is a novice that will produce work of a lower quality, while a professional is an experienced person who knows what they're doing and will always produce things of the highest quality… The REAL story is more complex than that.

Episode 389 - Intimidating Baddies

Aug 14, 2018

4 likes, 2 comments

What makes bad guy intimidating? Tantz Aerine made a great newspost about the question, carefully outlining various key bad-guy properties like confidence, composure, efficiency, and amorality. Banes, Pitface, Tantz and I stomp ALL over that, traipsing about like drunken, muddy rugby players, as we blather on about our opinions of the idea and finish up with no idea what we're talking about...

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