Episode 264 - How to improve your online presence

Mar 27, 2016

In this Quackcast we interview Marie Tary, AKA ShadowsMyst. We haven't talked to her since Quackcast 32 and 33 way back in 2011 when Skoolmunkee and I interviewed her about The art of analytics and how to market your webcomics properly. Now Banes and I talk to her about the changed landscape of website marketing, brand management, SEO and how it applies to comics and most particularly Drunk Duck itself. Brand management and marketing is Marie's job, as a senior graphic designer for a major university. She gives us some invaluable information about how we can put Drunk Duck back on top and return it to its former glory- very useful information that applies just the same to any online property, especially webcomics! So this will give you a clue what's in store for Drunk Ducks future and the sort of thing the future 3rd wave of fixes and features will entail. We also have the presentation of a lovely track by Gunwallace, the theme to Tangled river!

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Featured comic:
CTV ReVamped - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/CTV_ReVamped/

ShadowsMyst's Links:
ShadowsMyst's profile on DD - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/ShadowsMyst/
Shifters on DD - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Shifters_Redux/
The home site of Brymstone - http://www.brymstone.net/
ShadowsMyst's Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/shadowsmyst?ty=h

Special thanks to:
Gunwallace - http://www.virtuallycomics.com
Banes - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Banes/

Featured music:
Tangled river http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Tangled_River/ By snowshadow, rated E.

- See more at: http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2016/mar/27/quackcast-264-how-to-improve-your-online-presence/

Episode 263 - WHY do a webcomic?

Mar 21, 2016

6 likes, 3 comments

Why do you do the kind of webcomic you do? Why? Why? WRRRRRRRRHHHHYYYYY? This was the question asked by Genejoke, one of our favourite DDers. This jolly gent asked a whole possy of posers related to that subject and I thought that it provoked some interesting responses, and so it became fodder ad a half for Quackcast 263. Banes, myself, Pitface and Tantz Aerine all approach the questions ourselves and then hand the floor over to our DD contributors, so to speak. I find that it's really important to be able to come up with answers to questions like these, and even more interesting is just how those answers change depending on when you ask them. I find that these days I have a MUCH better idea of why I do my comics and why I make the creative choices that I do.

Episode 249 - Bad Drawing advice!

Dec 14, 2015

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All too often we try to give out GOOD drawing advice and USEFUL tips on how to do art. Well that all changes here: this time professors Ozoneocean, Tantz Aerine, Banes, and Pitface (our throbbing Head of department), come together to tell you the very worst ways to produce artwork, with the help of a few of our contributors. The advice will help you to become the most horrible artist ever. Gunwallace's theme this week is a creepy sounding classical piece for the creepy classic comic Caggage!

Episode 240 - The Vampcast - Costumecast

Oct 12, 2015

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Happy October, the month of Halloween! For this quackcast we had Tantz Aerine and Pitface along and we did the entire thing full dressed in costume WHILE vidcasting, which was very distracting. We got a few minutes and iffy quality video of the event too. Unfortunately I'm not very skilled with the process yet. We chat about vampires, using the great contributions of the community! Vampires are fun, but what's MORE fun is costumes. Tantz was a librarian vamp, Pit was a deathknight fairy princess, Banes was a werewolf, and Ozone (me) was a costumed idiot. Gunwallace provided us the lovely theme to the vampy comic Danielle Dark!

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