Episode 94 - Character Intro Webcomic Special

Sep 10, 2012

Banes and I give the webcomics of Drunk Duck a chance to shine! For Quackcast 94 we asked our webcomic creators to write short intros to their comics from their comic character's point of view as a way to creatively advertise their comic in a really fun and entertaining way, as well as giving us a short little Haiku inspired by their comic. We had lots of great contributions from many creators which we had acted out by various people who did amazing performances- Don't miss Bravo as Grey guy Hank, Abt_Nihil doing Holon, Ayesinback doing Tao of Kenji, Pit Face doing Gretchen from Putrid Meat, Usedbooks' friend doing Usedbooks, and Skoolmunkee, Banes and I acting the rest. We'll put Gunwallace's song in NEXT week, promise!

Episode 91: The Quack Always Casts Twice, 2012 DD Radio Play

Aug 20, 2012

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Banes introduces the 2012 DD radio play! Maxwell McDuff must face his most diabolical trial yet in... THE DUCK ALWAYS QUACKS TWICE! He's joined by many other notable and fiendish characters in this new and epic adventure involving anvils, Maltese quails, crocodiles, and terrifying torture! This fine story was written by Gunwallace, organised heroically by Ayesinback and edited together by Banes. This story of the amazing Maxwell McDuff and many other characters was the product of many hours work and organisation by many different participants. Before the play there are some great interviews with members of the cast, but if you’d like to jump to the play, that starts at 38.41 minutes.

Episode 77 - MoniqueM, Exceptional Artist Extraordinaire: Part 1

May 14, 2012

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Today with have lottsa specials! First up we have the first part of an interview with amazing comic artist Monique MacNaughton, AKA Coydog (http://www.drunkduck.com/The_Coydog_Experience), This highly skilled Canadian woman has been drawing comics for many years and is one of my personal comic heroes. She has more comic art skill in her fingernail than my entire body. She's here to share her skills with us and let us into some of the crafty tips, tricks, and techniques of comic drawing. And still no musical but something better: a custom acoustic Icelandic metal version of the DD theme by Gullas, and finally a blues number played by Gunwallace and sung by some loser!

Episode 76 - Gunwallace on Short Story Writing

May 7, 2012

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Short story webcomics, flash fiction, O'Henry stories, circular endings... what ARE these things? Well our resident writing expert extraordinaire from the land of the long white cloud fills us in with some new insights into the art of short fiction. How many panels, how many pages, what approach should you use typically when going for a short story? Well Gunwallace gives his take on all these questions and more, giving us the benefit of his years or experience and wealth of talent... Along with some extra special bonus ukulele music thrown in on top just for us!

Episode 73 - The Tomorrow Man

Apr 17, 2012

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Today we have an interview With the widely acknowledged writer extraordinaire, scriptwriter for the 2012 DD radio play and author of the fantastic Character Development: Gunwallace. We learn many things from him, including some of the secrets of his extraordinary writing skill, his indefatigable collaboration techniques, the fact that he worked with one of the later artists of Tank Girl series back in the 90s, and that he's in the far land of the hobbits, clouds, Maoris, and even further in the future than ozoneocean: New Zealand!

Episode 63 - Working for a living

Feb 7, 2012

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Dressed in a long, tight fitting sparkly black evening gown and elbow length opera gloves, the lovely Skoolmunkee dashes from the scene of the murder of poor Banes to arrive breathless on the Quackcast set and establish her alibi! This week we talk about what us amateur webcomic artists do to support ourselves, or just in those few brief moments when we're not actually making webcomics, and how that affects, influences and changes our webcomic work. We have many interesting contributions from interesting people! I must once again apologise for the sound quality though, major computer trouble I'm afraid. Episode 63 re-issued! How working life affects webcomicing.

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