Episode 182 - Biggest mistakes made in starting a webcomic
Aug 14, 2014
This Quackcast came about in response to an article that was supposed to be about the biggest mistakes in starting out with a webcomic, I felt it was incredibly superficial and that it was mainly focussed on someone who wanted to go straight for the “pro” side, jump right in and make it BIG right away… The trouble is that there's WAAAAAAY more to the subject than that! Hence this Quackcast on the subject. I've seen thousands of webcomics come and go over the years, most fizzle out in the first few weeks or months for a whole lot of reasons, but even the ones that have staying power still run into many issues at the beginning. Here we cover a lot of the big mistakes webcomic creators make early on. We've also got some great contributions too!
Topics and Show Notes
Topics and Show Notes:
Featured comic:
The Knight Watchman in The Crime Cook - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/The_Knight_Watchman_in_The_Crime_Cook/
Biggest comic mistakes thread:
Here - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/forum/topic/176227/
/>The article that inspired this Quackcast - http://io9.com/the-biggest-mistakes-people-make-when-they-start-a-webc-1614779817
Our contributors:
Kota - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Kota/
/>Ozoneocean - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/ozoneocean/
/>kawaiidaigakusei - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/kawaiidaigakusei/
/>usedbooks - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/usedbooks/
/>Bravo1102 - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/bravo1102/
/>Simonitro - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/simonitro/
/>Zac - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Zac/
/>KimLuster - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/KimLuster/
Special thanks to:
Senba... Opps, I mean Banes! - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Banes/
/>Grinwally... oh, I did it again, it's Gunwallace, doh! - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Gunwallace/
The musical theme this time was for Master the Tiger - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Master_the_Tiger/ by PaulEberhartd.