SS7 87 Three days ago cont.

skyangel on Feb. 6, 2021

Last week Becky was super busy colouring our contribution to the Duck's anthology project and colouring on this page had to be held back so we could meet the deadline but hopefully from here on we will be able to update regularly again!

But I feel this week I should give a quick recap on events being as we have had a 2 week space between pages, so you may recall…

Sarah has parted from Janey on good terms and now intends focusing on new relationship with Lucy. She's already been spending some nights at Lucy's flat and intends to move in properly after the concerts out of the way but she has just returned to the flat and caught Laura (Lucy's ex) as she is about to leave, which has given them both a chance to discuss their personal feelings.

Next week: Sarah's bad dreams continue.