Action scene comic book page
fallopiancrusader at 8:37AM, Feb. 15, 2018
A 48-minute time-compressed video of Fallopiancrusader creating pages 74 and 75 of his comic, “Mindfold”, with commentary about the drawing techniques and composition choices that he used.
Word Balloons in Photoshop (paths)
Darwin at 12:52PM, Nov. 9, 2011
I recently discovered this quicker/easier method to create dialogue bubbles on a single layer using the path function in Photoshop.
Hope it helps!
Previous tutorials can be found here:
Speech bubbles 1: http://th05.deviantart.net/fs42/150/f/2009/075/b/5/Speech_Bubbles_Tutorial_by_Tigershark06.jpg
Speech bubbles 2: http://tigershark06.deviantart.com/art/Speech-Bubbles-TWO-149627389?q=gallery%3Atigershark06%2F590876&qo=4
Speech Bubbles in Paint.net
Raccoo at 9:17PM, April 22, 2008
How to create speech bubbles and change their opacity using paint.net
soonmme at 11:40AM, Feb. 8, 2009
A tutorial on how to properly resize sprites of various styles, by soonmme.
How To Make Rain In Paint.Net
VinceLikesRooster at 12:07AM, Dec. 30, 2007
If you want to know how to make rain in Paint.Net, its here now
How to make a Kick butt Pokemon sprite comic!
charliemew2 at 3:27PM, June 23, 2009
This will be good for noobs.
Getting Your Comic Started (QuackCast 17)
skoolmunkee at 3:32PM, March 9, 2011
Some cliff notes about getting up and running - more than you need really!
Doing Stick Figure Comics - From Pencil to Paint.NET
Blasterman at 9:22PM, Dec. 22, 2008
How you draw stick figures, take a scanned-in comic into Paint.NET to darken them.