Public Profile


member since November 11, 2006


I like to keep an open mind when it comes to new places or trying new things. I believe that variety is the spice of life and its best to learn as much but it is also wise to know exactly what it is you have just experienced completely.

Comics By DarkAnimeGamer

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Comics Assisted By DarkAnimeGamer

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Comics Recomended By DarkAnimeGamer

A super-powered vampire with pirate-related PTSD accidentally starts collecting friends like a crazy cat lady collects strays, and they all live in a cabin in the woods.

Mars couldn't believe it when his life long friend and crush asked him out. Naively entering into this relationship, he doesn't realize what is really going on. Can he handle the dark secret he is soon to find out. Oh yeah! Lots of yaoi-ness ensues!

[img][/img][color=red][size 70]G[/size][/color][color=magenta][size 50]R[/size][/color][color=green][size 30]I[/size][/color][color=cyan][size 50]N[/size][/color][color=blue][size 70]D[/size][/color]

Sam has a gift with women. He oozes charm, and can get any girl into bed. Sam has everything he could want, but there's one problem - and his name is George! The two boys are drawn to each other, causing even heart-throb Sam to look within himself.. YAOI

Master is a yaoi comic about Nero a demon rock singer trying to rid himself of his loneliness, find love, and to get rid of a pesky "dragon" trhough his new lover Tokala. Homosexual relationships and MATURE CONTENT updates on weekends

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Once every 100 years, Nemution will be formed into a jewel his sould searching for his eternal lover. Once merged they must both accept each other for a complete transformation. However, because the lover is unable to recognize and prepare ones body for the merge, they destroy each other and are once again parted for 100 years; till nemution rises again and his reborn eternal lover is called to him. After many years of separation, Nemution has once again found his eternal lover; a promise and a vow, forever kept. But a new torment awaits the eternal lover. YAOI/BL

Annie McCourt's life is turned upside down when the mysterious Eric Frost appears. Warning: full of ooey-gooey shoujo-style teenage romance. Contains vampires, angst, and angsty vampires. UPDATING AGAIN YAY

Takes place in a post apocolyptic time period, 10 years after a destructive war that brought the population down to 9 million. Two fugitives escape from the city ward and group up with a tribe of desert nomads, struggling to remain uncaptured.


DarkAnimeGamer's friends

  • shino
  • Evil_Snuffkin
  • Dumok
  • Volte6

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