Public Profile


member since April 04, 2009


There is little for me to say and little that you need to know.
In short, I am a junior in high school, currently and suprisingly unemployeed, weighing in at a whooping 150 pounds of feathers, and am at a staggering 64.
If you were to ask any of the people I know about one distinct feature about me, it would either be my sasquatch sized feet or my Chewbacca call.
Ive given serious thought about starting a web series here on DD, but I doubt I have the attention span, time, and/or skill to do so.
When Im not being a fan-boy here in DD, Im usually DPSin on WoW with my guildies on Dragonmaw, where I am known as Hexix, or backstabing tunnel-vision heavies on TF2, where I am known as Hobo Ninja, Stream ID, ninja_hobo77. Feel free to hit me up on either; Im always looking for people to play with.

Comics By Light_in_Darkness

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Comics Assisted By Light_in_Darkness

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Comics Recomended By Light_in_Darkness

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The misadventures of Cru, a demented dwarf with a questionable grasp on reality and a penchant for perviness.

A medieval knight and a Japanese ninja are forced to share an apartment in modern America. Can they achieve their missions without destroying each other?

For over a decade, spanning some 4000 nights written in these journals, Lt. David Day Became HERO BY NIGHT, protecting the innocent and punishing evil wherever he could find it, until one day...HE VANISHED. A Platinum Studios comic! Updates Monday-Frid

It's about zombies. :D

Even 7 years after his father's death, Randy Miller has had a pretty tough life. Now, teaming up with his old friend Randy sets out to change the world forever with his new invention- a self aware robot. The only problem is his robot is... "different".

A screenshot comic based in the lands of Azeroth! Updates Wednesdays, and whenever we can cram an extra comic in.

A world of wacraft webcomic that follows a troublesome,slightly perverted and annoying gnome mage named Quinn and his trusty priestess Uni as they go for a quest, searching for a cure for the plague. Contains humor, danger and hopefully so much more =]

Robots, teens, repairs.

Zieromus just wants some sleep. But nooooo, the target of assassination attempts, child support scandals, and assailed by decay of the world (of Warcraft), the Warlock is constantly in peril. No rest for the charmingly antiheroic, I suppose.


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Metal_Breakdown at 5:36PM, May 4, 2009

Hey thanks for the add! :D

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