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member since December 12, 2006


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Comics By readergrl_290

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Comics Assisted By readergrl_290

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Comics Recomended By readergrl_290

A super-powered vampire with pirate-related PTSD accidentally starts collecting friends like a crazy cat lady collects strays, and they all live in a cabin in the woods.

A cute magical girl comic (in color!) about a girl named Chibi! And all of her little friends. And they have magical items! And Fight bad guys! Weird, spazzy humor with lost of color and cute things! Yeah! Whoo!

Random,fun and full of vitamins.

It's about friends, who live in the same house, who get drunk, and things happens to them, and then more friends appears, and they all get drunk again... it's just like your life.

Take a group of the video game characters and have them roam the universe, have reality be a program on a laptop belonging to an imp creature, and you'll have Mixed Bag Comics. (And yes, if it's not obvious, this IS a sprite comic)


Welcome to the wonderful world of NPC! Where we don't give a crap about Heroes! updates when we can!

The adventures of Pilli a normal girl and her ex-boyfriend who is now a calavera doll

Based off of the Greek Mythological Story of Persephone and King Pluto. This story tells of Love and how the winter season came to be. This comic is being REPOSTED (from the cover page until ch3.pg10). Beyond are all recently drawn, new pages. Enjoy~

If you can't tell by the title this is a sprite comic. You need a kick in the ass.

The (real life?) mis-adventures of Michael Chick, The Author of a crappy webcomic, as he lives his life encountering computer games, work and anime... Not in that order! Done in both drawn cartoon and photo form! NO SPRITES!!!


readergrl_290's friends

  • Almost Famous
  • Volte6
  • Wyrvvn
  • Chaz McRich

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Videos Shared By readergrl_290

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Wyrvvn at 3:21PM, June 8, 2007

lol 'sup. I shall alert you of any fandoms of our anime. *bows like a gentleman* ...I never was a curtsy kind of person. =\

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