member since September 09, 2006
I am a huge fan of manga such as Vampire Doll, King of Hell, Ragnarok, Sergeant Frog, Deathnote etc…
Comics By sakura5
No comics.
Comics Assisted By sakura5
No comics.
Comics Recomended By sakura5
Angels of Shadows..."The gods of your civilisation left and created their own. One where they made the rules. They grew bored so they created toys... twisted toys."
An action/adventure/comedy of a ninja mouse out to avenge his late wife and son, as well as little mini adventures he gets involved with by the characters he meets along the way. Rated PG-13. Updated every saturday.
Angel of Shadows contains (or will contain) many characters and creatures through out it. This is a catalogue. *Translation: the morons want to draw the characters and creatures without thinking of a story line first.*
The strange things that go on between a vampire and cat demon!!
Just completely random stuff.... Like... Homework.... I suppose...
Born in the back of a maths book when my attempt at a seal went horribly wrong was Super Maths Beaver, making my Maths lessons less boring and my grades unimportant.
My attempt to help others out with some of my drawing tips and tricks. This will be a very slow going page due to my comic and other real life matters. Leave me a comment if you want me to put up a tutorial for something you're having trouble with.
Not a comic, I just wanted to have a spot to put up character pinup art as well as any fan art I may recieve or I may draw for others. I always ask permission before doing any fan art of other peoples characters.
sakura5's friends
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Videos Shared By sakura5
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Kali at 7:39AM, Aug. 29, 2007
When'd you get the net?
confusedsoul at 5:00AM, July 29, 2007
I'd take a teleporter to a desert island.
Byakko at 10:51AM, July 6, 2007
Howdy!! Glad you can get back on here! I would share my desserted Island Choices with you if you returned the favour!! (Just one question: How would you get power?) My desserted items would be the worlds largest ever bar of chocolate to ever be crated and my big box of books..... (drools at the thought...)
Inlad at 7:47PM, June 26, 2007
I would take Mint chocolate chip ice cream, my library of novels, and a get out of dessert free card. ^_^ Inlad The Dashing Paladin.