Banes at 12:00AM, Sept. 15, 2022


When I first became seriously interested in comics, John Byrne was at the top of my favorite artist list. He drew many of the classic “new” X-Men books, and was the artist on that series when it first became massively popular. The stories Byrne drew (and co-plotted along ...

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Would You Hit a Girl?

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Sept. 10, 2022

So hitting a girl (or a woman) is extremely tropey. Regardless of how progressive your story is, a man hitting a woman runs a high risk of being considered lowly or less than heroic. That's because generally, women are considered weaker than men, thus an easy target. A woman ...

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Panel By Panel: The Squirrel Machine and Texture

hpkomic at 9:15AM, Sept. 9, 2022

Hello everyone, and welcome to Panel by Panel, a periodic exploration of comic panels around The Duck. This week, I was inspired by the latest update of the comic The Squirrel Machine by user hansrickheit. The comic is fantastic, but I want to zoom in on one panel. This is ...

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The Big and Small of Comedy

Banes at 12:00AM, Sept. 8, 2022

In Skin Deep, an old comedy/drama by Blake Edwards, starring John Ritter, I found one of my favorite movies for a long stretch of time. I watched it over and over. But the part everyone talked about, with the glow-in-the-dark condoms – I really didn't like that. I preferred ...

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Venting Your Frustrations Needs Elegance

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Sept. 3, 2022

So it came to my attention that J.K. Rowling has taken revenge against her ‘internet trolls’ by writing a new book called The Ink Black Heart. According to reviews (I haven't read the book) the plot of the book reflects the author's experience of mass-condemnation over her ...

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DD update post 2nd of September

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Sept. 2, 2022
tags: DD, news, site, update

Latest update news

I haven't done one of these in a while because I was sick with CoVod-19, so HPKomic filled in for me instead, which I'm super grateful for! I'm all better now thankfully.
Here we have Emm's latest designs to look at and comment ...

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Covering cover art

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Aug. 27, 2022

Last week, over on the ole Twittersphere, we were asking the #quackchatters about creating cover art for their comics. It was an interesting discussion to go back and read as there were responses there that surprised me.

The first question of the QuackChat hour asked if creators draw some pages ...

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Panel By Panel: Patchwork and Lace (Two Beats and No Gutters)

hpkomic at 10:47AM, Aug. 26, 2022

Hello and welcome to Panel by Panel, an analysis of panels from comics right here on The Duck and exploring what they do, how they work, and what we can learn from them.

Hello everyone, it's been a couple of weeks, so it is time for a new Panel ...

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Timely or Timeless

Banes at 12:00AM, Aug. 25, 2022

Rogue from the X-Men encounters President Ronald Reagan!

Timeliness vs Timelessness

Some comics are very much “of the moment”, while others are more timeless.

Connecting to the events of the moment can be a worthy endeavor. Webcomics are well suited to this kind of approach, too, with our ability ...

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What do you think about a commenting EVENT?

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Aug. 20, 2022

So this is something that has JUST come to mind after reading Hpkomic's blog post. I haven't discussed it with anyone (sorry Oz!) and it might just be something that can't fly.

But why not??

What would you think about hosting a monthly or bimonthly commenting event ...

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