Strip XII: An Unusual Case

J_Scarbrough on Sept. 7, 2022

This particular strips poses an important question. No, it's not does Dr. Charmin's remark in the first panel come across as inappropriate and unprofessional in today's culture? (At the time, it was meant to be another M*A*S*H reference, I swear). No, it's not how exactly did Laura really explain all of this to Dr. Charmin? No, it's not why did it take Laura six hours to explain this unusual case? No, it's not will Dr. Charmin agree to take on such an unusual case? No, it's not will Dr. Charmin need to have his own head examined now? No, it's not will this supposed magical/medical procedure even succeed in making Levana mortal? No, it's not will the vampire hunters get to Levana first?

Nope. It's none of the above.

The important question this strip poses is . . . how in the world did Goofy Idiot Sidekick even get the seatbelt to fit?

Next week: looks like things are going to get a little emotional here.