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The Current state of DRUNK Duck.and the way forward.
Ozoneocean at 2:43AM, Oct. 18, 2013
posts: 29,094
joined: 1-2-2004
Hello hello.
We've just come back from a very long down time and here we are back to life again :)

We have a couple of really shitting bus going around right now- one that makes it hard to create new user accounts and the other that makes it impossible to reset passwords. If either of these are affecting you please e-mail me at ozoneocean at yahoo dot com, or go to the official DD facebook page here and message it.

Currently our web adress is It'll stay that way till we're able to get the Drunkduck one working- that's tricky because the guy who has control of that domian shouldn't.


The way ahead.
Well, it's complicated. The plan that I've been working on for two months has been to transition our beloved site away from the current stagnation under Wowio control into something more nimble and vibrant under user control, where we get people to make the changes and add the features we want to our site.

It's inching forward and we've come a long way so far, but there's still a long way to go. Part of that process has been to leverage member expertise in getting this place up online again, something we have never been able to do before!
Citizen user JustNoPoint stepped up to the plate in a huge way and he's still working away to try and solve various issues.
This whole undertaking is a very complex process with many masive factors to manage: business, legal, technical, functional, finacial, and social -each one of those no less imporant than any other, so I'm building up a team to help me with them
But even as we get closer and closer to making this happen, THERE ARE NO promises till we have ink on the dotted line.
Even so, I don't beleive in silence and stonewalling. No mater what happens I want to keep you informed.
JustNoPoint at 3:10PM, Oct. 18, 2013
posts: 1,415
joined: 3-16-2007
This should totally be in the news as well :)
BTW, I'm not ignoring your email you sent recently. Remember how I told you all the stuff I had going on. Well, some of it made today impossible to do much on the internet. I jus have not had a moment to properly reply to you is all.
mishi_hime at 10:09PM, Oct. 21, 2013
posts: 1,806
joined: 7-17-2006
Thank you JustNoPoint :3
Volte6 at 2:37PM, Oct. 24, 2013
posts: 951
joined: 1-1-2006
"that's tricky because the guy who has control of that domian shouldn't."
**Checks godaddy**

Not me!
JustNoPoint at 3:29PM, Oct. 24, 2013
posts: 1,415
joined: 3-16-2007
Volte! Long time no see brother!
Miss you!
Got any time to help me out with some server side stuff? I hope everything's going well for you!
ALSO, you're totally welcome Mishi :)
Ozoneocean at 10:11PM, Oct. 24, 2013
posts: 29,094
joined: 1-2-2004
Volte6 wrote:
"that's tricky because the guy who has control of that domian shouldn't."
**Checks godaddy**

Not me!
Yeah, it's a Platinum thing I think. :)
Chris chris at 11:19PM, Nov. 5, 2013
posts: 87
joined: 1-9-2006
Oh my gawds. I was so worried you guys had been down completely and had actually given up on udating my comic here! I've tried for months trying to access this site.
Now I get what's going on. My only question is: Did you send like a blog update about having to type in a new domain name? I beleive I watch you guys on facebook and I don't remember seeing any kind of announcement or post about this sudden change and bug attack.
Glad to see this place is still fighting! Clawing by the skin of your teeth to stay above water.
Ozoneocean at 1:00AM, Nov. 6, 2013
posts: 29,094
joined: 1-2-2004
Oh yeah… there's been updates on the status for ages and ages:

I think Facebook “helps” you by hiding updates from pages you like, follow, watch whatever. Facebook sucks so much arse.
Terminal at 10:43PM, Jan. 15, 2014
posts: 5,502
joined: 1-6-2006
You know me. I'm always around, watching, like the neighborhood hummingbird… even if I don't have much to say.I'll support the site in anyway I can. :^)
last edited on Jan. 15, 2014 10:45PM
Brad at 9:15AM, Jan. 16, 2014
posts: 36
joined: 12-28-2008
Based on Wowio's financialsand recent filings, I'm counting the days until this site is sold again to help pay off their debts and defaulted loan(s). With a net loss of $5 million in 2011 and $9 million in 2012, no wonder they can't afford to hire developers to fix the site. I also don't understand why a company this far in the red needs a swanky Beverly Hills address. I hope it's just a mailbox at a UPS store or something and not an actual office space.

You can go through years of filings and see how much the Duck was bought for from Platinum Studios (who still own 6% apparently) and there is also some details about turning the Duck into a subscription-based model. Though that would require hiring someone to work on the site, so I'll go out on a limb and say that there is no way that will ever happen.
last edited on Jan. 16, 2014 9:16AM
irrevenant at 4:18AM, Jan. 17, 2014
posts: 779
joined: 1-13-2007
If there was a subscription model where the comics were available for free but you could pay an ongoing fee to get rid of the ads and support the site, I'd sign up…
Brad wrote:
You can go through years of filings and see how much the Duck was bought for from Platinum Studios (who still own 6% apparently) and there is also some details about turning the Duck into a subscription-based model. Though that would require hiring someone to work on the site, so I'll go out on a limb and say that there is no way that will ever happen.
El Cid at 7:05AM, Jan. 17, 2014
posts: 1,273
joined: 5-4-2009
I looked at those Nasdaq filings… Yikes! I knew it was bad, but I didn't realize it was THAT bad! Hey, if they really need some cash, I'll buy the site for a dollar!

(*not a real offer)
Brad at 4:42PM, Jan. 17, 2014
posts: 36
joined: 12-28-2008
Well there are64,969,236 shares up for sale that no one seems to want to buy. I bet you could snatch them up for around $0.0001 per share. (So around $6,500) Which would effectively make you a 29% stake holder in Wowio.

Or you can take that same $6,500 and throw it in the trash. It's effectively the same thing.

Here's the subscription bit from the filings:

With the redesign plans for The Duck, we intend to segment a portion of the content for membership only. This will only be accessible via a membership (subscription) fee. Management anticipates we will offer a monthly rate of $4.00, which could generate approximately $40,000/month with our continued growing traffic.
last edited on Jan. 17, 2014 4:47PM
El Cid at 8:02PM, Jan. 17, 2014
posts: 1,273
joined: 5-4-2009
They couldn't possibly have been serious about that, especially not with the site as broken as it is. That's just them trying to sell stocks. For what it's worth, I'd pull my comic if they tried to charge people to look at it.
crocty at 2:09AM, Jan. 21, 2014
posts: 6,677
joined: 8-16-2007
Hyuk hyuk, site improvements coming? I've heard THAT before… Hope they do come this time, I don't think I'd have the heart to leave this place as long as it's still barely functional, yknow? That said, any admins willing to share any details on exactly how barren the traffic is as of late? Can't imagine too many non-veterans visiting the site anymore after all it's been through :(
I'm not really around much anymore, but here's my Tumblr, Twitter, and Deviantart. Also if you remember me from back when I was around, I'm sorry.
giovanni at 5:11AM, March 25, 2014
posts: 30
joined: 8-14-2006
its pretty true about the veteran only coming here. heck ive been here since the first version of drunkduck when it was only the side bars that showcased the comics and there where no pictures, only the names of the comics. it was mostly white with some yellow.
anyway, back on topic. what i find disconcerting in this topic is that the title says “way forward” yet there has been little talk about how this is going to happen.
any clear project?
I am the caid of my shoes and I control every toe-nail in it.
Ozoneocean at 9:23PM, March 25, 2014
posts: 29,094
joined: 1-2-2004
It's complex. The stage where we find ourselves now is coming up with a contract and propsal. The guy in charge of that is being verrrrry tardy.
When we have that in place and it's signed off by all parties THEN we can get going with all the other stuff we need to do- a kickstarter to raise funds for a programmer to fix all our issues and start adding features. Opensourcing code modules to Github so anyone can work on good features they'd like to see on the site, implementing revenue generation systems so the future of the site and dvelopment is secure-

And further on from THAT is the potential to have enough money to help fund comic printing projects for people in exchange for DD advertising as well as sponser tables at conventions for people if they agree to advertise for DD and DD comics.
Also intergration with other webcomic comminities….

But first we need that damn contract.
carly_mizzou at 9:55PM, April 30, 2014
posts: 384
joined: 8-25-2006
wow, I can't help but check in every now and again. Was sad when the site was down and I hope this community never dies. Some of the best people on the internet here, one of the largest collections of talent people. BTW SO many familiar names on this thread! wow…
dang getting all nostalgic. :-) <3 <3 remembering all those wizard world shows
Ozoneocean at 9:28PM, May 2, 2014
posts: 29,094
joined: 1-2-2004
Hahah, Carly, how is your little minime?
carly_mizzou at 7:46PM, May 3, 2014
posts: 384
joined: 8-25-2006
heya! My child is nuts, but good. (HOLLY! stop doing that to the dog!!!)
To anyone that doesn't know I had a kid, her name is Holly Pea
Say it outloud…chuckle to one's self…repeat
Kota at 9:18AM, May 7, 2014
posts: 87
joined: 1-4-2006
Contact the contract guy maybe?
Kota Otan
Kota's World: Broadband
“If Jeff Bridges is stupid enough to do this, I'M stupid enough to do this!”
Ozoneocean at 9:36PM, May 7, 2014
posts: 29,094
joined: 1-2-2004
Already done. FInally go a hold of him!!!! Next stage is that I have to deleive the “contract ememo” to Brian and Jacob at Wowio and see if I can get then to agree to that. If they do then we can go ahead and Tranto can write up the actual contract.
looooooooooon farking process…

Carly! I never realised your bubba was named ag=fter a chilly! Hahaha XD
DarioCOMICS at 11:36PM, May 18, 2014
posts: 10
joined: 5-15-2014
you provide a great service! proud to be part of it!

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