I made a mousse :O
BustyLaroo at 8:17PM, June 14, 2019
posts: 52
joined: 7-19-2014
A chocolate mousse, at that. From Julia Child's recipe book. For my husband's birthday.

It was the first time and OMFG IT TASTES SO GOOD. It's butter and it's chocolate and it's eggs and it's sugar and omg.

ShaRose49 at 8:02PM, June 25, 2019
posts: 32
joined: 2-3-2019
Sounds yummy! I bet he loved it ;3
BustyLaroo at 7:35AM, June 26, 2019
posts: 52
joined: 7-19-2014
He did :D Frick, I loved it lol

It did not last.
ShaRose49 at 3:04PM, June 26, 2019
posts: 32
joined: 2-3-2019
“All good mousse must come to an end.”

BustyLaroo at 8:22AM, June 27, 2019
posts: 52
joined: 7-19-2014
It is seriously just eggs, sugar, butter and chocolate. And glory.
Ozoneocean at 9:24PM, Aug. 7, 2019
posts: 28,896
joined: 1-2-2004
That sounds delicious!
I worked out how to make a cheat mousse: beat up cream and drinking chocolate :D
Ironscarf at 10:09AM, Sept. 9, 2019
posts: 1,919
joined: 9-9-2008
I use parts from lots of different mouses sewn together. The downside is you have to wait for a stormy night to get the thing running.
BustyLaroo at 9:45AM, Sept. 21, 2019
posts: 52
joined: 7-19-2014
You probably need a hunchbacked assistant, too.

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