Comic Talk and General Discussion *

lothar at 10:19AM, April 20, 2020
posts: 1,754
joined: 1-3-2006
Sketchbooks … Do you do them?
Do you do all your work on computers or on papers?
I've been sketching like mad as of late , what with the lack of outside work to do. i just completed my 11th sketchbook and realized I have produced over 4oo pages of this crap since 2017. does anybody else do this? Over the years, I have sketched way more than produced actual pages for comics. sometimes it seems like a waste, just sitting on a shelf.
PIT_FACE at 6:33PM, April 20, 2020
posts: 2,773
joined: 4-21-2007
I find myself wishing that I had that problem a lot of times. I miss the days that I had sketchbooks that I'd fill up and fill up with all sorts of shit! I think one of the really cool things about sketchbooks is they're not only places where you can practice and hone your skill but they are also playgrounds in a sense. got something you want to make but it won't necessarily fit in one of your comics? Put it in a sketch book. There's something so very liberating about them and tantalizing. Some people fill them up and sell them after because there's just something so alluring about picking up a completely full sketchbook and flipping through its madness and spatterings of ideas. I think it's very important actually for artists to do work that they don't necessarily have the intention of publishing. It's just you and that thing that you want to make just for the sake of making it. I think that's really special and no less important than making comics.

I used to fill up sketch books all the time. i don't really sketch outside of my comics though and those are pretty much all digital now. To be quite honest, i miss doing that. A lot.

I say fill up TOMES of sketchbooks.

last edited on April 20, 2020 6:35PM
Avart at 11:27PM, April 20, 2020
posts: 132
joined: 2-19-2017
Totally! I sketch little stuff all the time. Every piece of paper is good enough. Sometimes I use those sketches and take a picture with my celphone to work them digitally. This is a bit faster than scan a bunch o pages ;).
Ironscarf at 9:01AM, April 21, 2020
posts: 1,919
joined: 9-9-2008
I have beef with sketchbooks. Anything I draw in a sketchbook is never as good as anything I draw on a loose sheet of typing paper, which in turn is never as good as anything I draw on the back of an old envelope I'm about to throw in the recycling bin.
I wish I was joking. If I want a really good drawing I have to pick up a sharpie and scribble it all over yesterday's Evening Standard.

I have a stack of loose pages covered in ideas and characters that's a foot and a half high, after throwing away as much as I could.
last edited on April 21, 2020 9:04AM
PIT_FACE at 9:45AM, April 21, 2020
posts: 2,773
joined: 4-21-2007
Ironscarf wrote:
I have beef with sketchbooks. Anything I draw in a sketchbook is never as good as anything I draw on a loose sheet of typing paper, which in turn is never as good as anything I draw on the back of an old envelope I'm about to throw in the recycling bin.
I wish I was joking. If I want a really good drawing I have to pick up a sharpie and scribble it all over yesterday's Evening Standard.

I have a stack of loose pages covered in ideas and characters that's a foot and a half high, after throwing away as much as I could.

Lol, staple them all together and you'll have a sketchbook!

rickrudge at 5:06PM, April 22, 2020
posts: 124
joined: 10-3-2019
My comix are all drawn on paper, scanned and then further manipulated on the computer. I actually like sitting on the couch with my wife and drawing on paper. Other than the drawing pad that I actually create my comics on, I don’t draw inside a traditional sketch book.

I have always doodled on little scratch pads or on loose little pieces of paper. My doodles on these pieces of scrap paper aren’t worth holding onto and are more of a study or trying to figure out how I want something to look. I would never consider publishing my junky doodles. :-D

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