Talk to eachother

Volte6 at 4:07PM, Nov. 8, 2006

Hey everyone,

Some of you are familiar with our Private Quack system, and some aren't.

Basically it lets you talk to other members of drunkduck outside of the forums or outside of the comics.

Well, now it's easier than ever. On everyone's posts on comics you'll ...

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Just a few little announcements

skoolmunkee at 12:32AM, Oct. 26, 2006

Firstly, insanelysane's To Be Loved is beginning chapter 3, and is now in color! (Sorry I'm a little bit late with this announcement!) :)

Secondly, The mediocre one (that's his name not his description) would like to start a new community project called RPGination, which is a round-robin ...

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Boo to the yah! We've got a new update!

Volte6 at 4:11PM, Oct. 20, 2006

Hey guys,

It's been a little while without a news update, so here's a quicky!

Girl/Robot is giving away buttons to those who want them! Get the details here!

D.J. Coffman has finally started putting up pages of the Hero by Night Diaries! This is sort ...

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Like the Juggernaut, the news keeps on coming

skoolmunkee at 4:01AM, June 23, 2006

Comic Announcements!

Yami No Tainai is 600 comics old! Holy cow that's a big number!

Rick and Daphne (comic is Adult/18+) is undergoing a “remake” phase where Akakios is going to redo (or something) the first 43 pages of his comic!

Revenger's Tradgedy has finished its first ...

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Gosh the newsposts are hopping lately!

skoolmunkee at 8:32AM, April 27, 2006

LowResAtari's Mixed Bag Comics has reached 150 comics today, and he has made some special entertainment for his visitors in Flash! Hypnotoad demands you visit.

spoonerman is running a competition at his comic, Space Unknown, whereby the person who submits the best filler wins. You can read more about ...

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Saturday newsbit

Black_Kitty at 12:19AM, March 4, 2006

Hey guys! Friendly neighbourhood cat on the Internet here with your weekly dose of news! :) Happy news first~

hpkomic proposed an awesome idea on the forums: sponsor a comic. Noticed a comic that's not getting the comments they should? Why not sponsor them by providing a link to that ...

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Drunk Duck Lucky Bag

skoolmunkee at 12:05PM, Feb. 13, 2006

Hello guys and guy-ettes!

I know how excited you all get when someone makes a newspost so I thought I would feed the fire a little.

Comic Anniversary!
Did you know that the Tuesday, February 14th is the 500th comic of Yami no Tainai? I think you will agree with ...

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skoolmunkee's mess-o-post

skoolmunkee at 6:25AM, Feb. 10, 2006

Welcome back to Drunk Duck!

Hey guys (and gals, or you know… womyn or something), if you're here then you know Drunk Duck is back. Congratulations! To… us I guess.

This blog/news post will be a fairly brief rundown of how some things work around here. Keep in ...

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Server Migration

Volte6 at 9:42AM, Jan. 11, 2006

Hey everyone. Just a heads up, The Duck might be a little iffy for the next week. We have gotten a whole new server and everything, but I won't be able to move all the files until I get back from vacation. I probably shouldn't have opened up ...

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