Too much news! Must... post... faster!

skoolmunkee at 2:53PM, Aug. 6, 2007

Guess who has a book out? Why, eyesoftheblackk's Biginbopper the Junior Mint of course! You can order the book at Lulu!

LowResAtari's milestone gets to come first because I say so! Mixed Bags Comics is 600 and as a special update, LowResAtari did a Flash poetry reading. :3 ...

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We Love you BK!

Ozoneocean at 12:35AM, June 30, 2007

Sympathy for BK

Black Kitty, or Jenny Lui to some, lost her mother to cancer two days ago.

Black Kitty has worked tirelessly as an administrator here at Drunk Duck. Over the years she's helped to build this community into something wonderful; from its earlier days right through to ...

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Comic Book Challenge!

skoolmunkee at 11:54PM, June 20, 2007

The top 50 Comic Book Challenge entries have been announced! Are you on the list? We've got a couple of longtime DDers who have made it into the first round! (comic listed is the one they're known for on DD, not the one they submitted to the contest ...

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skoolmunkee at 3:51AM, June 18, 2007

Speaking of dogs, there's a new Creator Interview up! Skulldog from BRINK!

Who is Five, aside from a bit of a free spirit? She seems to be the source of much of the change and disruption in the comic.

Five was one of the original volunteer subjects into BRINK ...

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It's Saturday and I'm making a news post doot dee doot

skoolmunkee at 11:23AM, June 16, 2007

We always get to announce lots of milestones in these newsposts and I think that people maybe get tired of seeing them (or maybe just take them for granted)… but 25 pages represents a lot of work! I really am happy for everyone I get to announce here because they ...

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I am always postin' with the news!

skoolmunkee at 1:59PM, June 14, 2007

OK I just have to stop feeling bad for knocking old newsposts off. We just get too many to wait a couple days to make all of em.

Some changes! A couple of little bugs have been fixed, but also, notice how the thumbnails on the ‘Most Read’ lists no ...

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Yo, ho, ho! More milestones galooore!

SpANG at 11:16AM, May 30, 2007

Elanor Pam announces that God of Destruction has reached 75 pages! Congrats!

Triss says that May'le and Mayhem will react its 25th page on Saturday, June 2nd! Yay!

Cheeko just wants you to know that Daisy and Moira and Roy is now 50 comics old this very day! Great ...

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Blah blah blah!

skoolmunkee at 10:09AM, May 25, 2007

OK, well there is A WHOLE BUNCH of news in this update, but that's not because I put it off too long this time! It's just because people have sent us a lot of news. THEY HAVE SENT A LOT!


The Drunk Duck Awards have started! Visit ...

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More Bits of News!

Black_Kitty at 6:39PM, May 18, 2007

A quick Friday newsposts! Just a reminder to those who haven't seen Skoolmunkee's earlier posts: we're trying to update the news more frequently but keep it shorter at the same time. If you don't see your news here, then look again Monday. :)

But news news news ...

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YAY it's Friday!

Black_Kitty at 10:14PM, May 10, 2007

It's Friday! And what better way to celebrate a Friday than a lot of webcomic news?! :D

And that was so not a rhetorical question because all of you should celebrate this glorious Friday by joining Fusion! What is Fusion? A fun round robin style community project! Check it ...

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