The catalogue of awesome, and some awesome milestones too

skoolmunkee at 8:35AM, Oct. 29, 2010

Sorry this is slightly late guys, I've had a distracting week and whenever I remembered I had a newspost to do I was away from the computer or already in bed or something. Also um I have kind of been playing New Vegas a lot. But here it is ...

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THURSDAY'S FEATURE --> Hasben and Hash

Ozoneocean at 11:56PM, Oct. 27, 2010

Fancy some old fashioned style newspaper type comic strips? Hasben and Hash is heaps of traditional humour strip comic goodness! staring a hapless postman (mailman to you Yanks), and a clever but sassy dog with the silly situations they get into and some interesting commentary. This is one of those ...

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Newspost regarding comics with 'adult' (sex) ads

skoolmunkee at 2:50PM, Oct. 27, 2010

Hey all, with the new redesign of DD they are introducing a new ad network (which personally, I hope means fewer annoying/sneaky ads?) As part of this though, DD is not allowed to have adult (sex, not alcohol or gambling) ads on its pages, which includes ads which users ...

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Some milestones of course, and some various Halloween things!

skoolmunkee at 8:19AM, Oct. 24, 2010

The release of the Drunk Duck redesign is almost here! Good work and thank you beta testers, keep reporting anything you find!

Halloween is coming soon! I'm not sure why but this year there's just not much going on for it around the site. A couple people have ...

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Not a lot for you guys today, but a little is better than none!

skoolmunkee at 9:06AM, Oct. 17, 2010

A couple of eventful newsposts were made last week so be sure and read those if you haven't! You don't want to miss out.

Randal has put together a DrunkDuck facebook group! This thread will give you the info on how to join!

Thanks to Genejoke's submission ...

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This also is news, concerning short periods of site slowness

skoolmunkee at 11:19AM, Oct. 15, 2010

In preparation for the transfer of the redesigned site, there will be some times in the next week or so where Drunk Duck will be a bit slow. You may have noticed some of that today!

A couple of mornings from 1am-4am pst (that's early morning eastern, morning GMT ...

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Let's see what's on my NEWS AGENDA

skoolmunkee at 9:36AM, Oct. 15, 2010

First order of business!

Don't forget that you can sign up to be a beta tester for the redesigned Drunk Duck! It's mostly a visual overhaul, but there are some new features, and old features work in new ways, and some things like newsposts and features have been ...

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It's a veritable buffet of news!

skoolmunkee at 2:16PM, Oct. 12, 2010

How about a nice Heroes Alliance soup? Does 75 pages sound tempting? A special from Abt_Nihil! It has many special ingredients!

A.D. 1997 is all the rage in salads this season, also prepared by chef Abt_Nihil. He has prepared 175 pages, so there is lots to go around! So ...

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Not a lot of news but YOU BETTER READ IT

skoolmunkee at 10:05AM, Oct. 8, 2010

Guess what! Fight 2 by mlai has reached one huuuuuuuundred pages! He says that's not counting fillers so I guess that means he actually has more pages of stuff!

Maybe you recall the DD24hour 2010 comic?!?!?! Product Placement is running the show, if you worked on a comic on ...

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24-Hour Comics - submit some, read some! (Less exciting perhaps, but still pants-worthy)

skoolmunkee at 4:36AM, Oct. 3, 2010

There's still time to check out Wowio's live TV coverage of 24 Hour Comics Day! They are on the air until noon pacific time! Stop in, participate in chat, find out what the current caffeine tally is…

Hey guys! Did any of you do a 24-hour comic? Even ...

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