I guess I should make a newspost!

skoolmunkee at 3:59PM, Jan. 31, 2010

Guess what! Last week, Carnies turned 25 pages old! “25 pages without filler” that is. :]

Guess what other comic reached 25 pages last week! Kombat Kubs, by Wordweaver_three and harkovast!

I guess I should announce that Urban Legends Sketchbook by Legend Comics has also reached 25 pages!

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Site will probably be frozen again over the weekend (sorry)

skoolmunkee at 12:48AM, Jan. 8, 2010

The process worked last time, but they ran into an unanticipated problem with the file structures which they think they have worked out now (they are testing it today)…. but it means they are going to have to do one more site freeze this weekend (if the test works) in ...

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A whole uh... structure? of milestones!

skoolmunkee at 2:42AM, Aug. 11, 2008

On Friday (8-8-08), Project ADAM by The Mortician reached its two-year anniversary! (Can comics get married?) As kind of a bonus, Arc 1 of the comic is over, marking 1/4 of the whole thing!

jagris tells me that his comic Project: Demonhunter hit 25 pages on Sunday!

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