WowioTV 2ND LIVE EVENT TODAY at 12PM PST + San Diego Comic-Con DrunkDuck meetup announced

srhdt at 10:09AM, July 16, 2010

Hey everyone!

WowioTV will be doing another preview event today at noon to 1PM (PST). This is all part of our buildup to San Diego Comic-Con next week, where we will be streaming live coverage of the events!

If you have the time, please check out our live stream today ...

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BIG NEWS with WowioTV and DD at the Comic Con!!!!! EXCLAMATIONS!!!

Ozoneocean at 8:21AM, July 15, 2010

Next week it's the comic con in the fine city of San Diego!
I will be there! In person!!!
ME, the author of the never updating but pretty Pinky TA!

Check out the DD twitter account for more and more ...

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News? On MY Tuesday?

skoolmunkee at 9:18AM, July 13, 2010

We've had lots of news lately! I'm having to up my game a bit! Only a bit, mind you.

subcultured's Dreams in Synergy is available in print!
Dreams in Synergy- Issue 1 at Indyplanet!

Happy and Tony Adventures, by WTHecksicle has come to an end. IT IS ...

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Monday Feature -> Dead Future

skoolmunkee at 12:09AM, July 12, 2010

Okay, I know some people are tired of zombies. But listen! Once you get past the basic zombie stories, you get to the more INTERESTING zombie stories - the twists on the theme, the exploration of characters and worlds, and the satisfying inevitability of everything going wrong. Dead Future is reminiscent ...

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Ozoneocean at 7:54AM, July 8, 2010

An interesting little comic about screwed up teens. It's pretty comical and unpretentious, with some VERY earthy language! It even featured a wild red-head tearaway, going by the name of Rosco. His temperament definitely matches his hair colour. The art style is simple, yet clear and bold in a ...

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Submissions for WowioTV during SDCC, new mods, new community project, new milestones! IT'S HUGE

skoolmunkee at 3:10PM, June 30, 2010

Okay guys, there's a lot of stuff in this newspost, so I hope you're paying attention!

First up, and maybe most interesting to everybody, is something from Wowio. There's three parts:

1. They will be at San Diego Comic-Con and want to know which DDers will be ...

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I really need to try harder to think up interesting subject lines for the news

skoolmunkee at 2:29PM, June 27, 2010

Happy 27th of June! It's almost time for that one day a year when you're allowed to set off fireworks in America! Do you know where YOUR barbecue is?

I'm afraid there are still things wrong with the site- we're reporting things to the programmer as ...

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Some people having problems with the new page uploader- where to report them?!

skoolmunkee at 12:27PM, June 22, 2010

Wowio is trying out some changes to the page uploading system, and while most people aren't experiencing any problems, some people are hitting bugs and so forth. We understand it's frustrating!

What we need you guys to do is, if you want to report a bug or problem ...

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I'm a Sunday night rock star, hellllooooo drunkduck

skoolmunkee at 3:20PM, June 20, 2010

OK- I am back from my work trip! So it's OK to send news to me again. I won't be going anywhere until Christmas, I hope- I'm really tired of travelling. Sure, it sounds nice to take day, overnight, or longer trips to places- but it gets ...

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I am sure there is a metaphor for America somewhere in that game

skoolmunkee at 8:15AM, June 13, 2010

Don't forget, if you want to be in a mid-week newspost, send your news to ozoneocean! However, if you are ok with being newsposted on Sunday, go ahead and send it to me as normal. :]

My weekly webcomic, Tales of the Sly Ditt Inn, reaches the milestone of ...

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