THURSDAY'S FEATURE --> Hasben and Hash

Ozoneocean at 11:56PM, Oct. 27, 2010

Fancy some old fashioned style newspaper type comic strips? Hasben and Hash is heaps of traditional humour strip comic goodness! staring a hapless postman (mailman to you Yanks), and a clever but sassy dog with the silly situations they get into and some interesting commentary. This is one of those ...

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Monday feature -> CHRISTOPHER

skoolmunkee at 1:35AM, Oct. 25, 2010

Christopher is a daily diary webcomic, “the true story of a man entering fatherhood” (with the theme that he's hardly grown-up himself). It's well drawn with strong, lively lineart and some great gestures and expressions. Many of the comics are fairly standard journal-comic fare. Some joke, event, or ...

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Some milestones of course, and some various Halloween things!

skoolmunkee at 8:19AM, Oct. 24, 2010

The release of the Drunk Duck redesign is almost here! Good work and thank you beta testers, keep reporting anything you find!

Halloween is coming soon! I'm not sure why but this year there's just not much going on for it around the site. A couple people have ...

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THURSDAY'S FEATURE --> Memories from Requiem

Ozoneocean at 10:39PM, Oct. 13, 2010

Hakka is a rather attractive blonde, bedevilled by demons, besieged by monsters… and annoying guys who talk far too much. Memories from Requiem is a comic of epic proportion. It's a fantasy SciFi manga that spans several hundred pages. The first chapters are rather ropey with bad art and ...

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Have I got news for you!

skoolmunkee at 9:42AM, Sept. 28, 2010

Well, I have. And here it is. In no particular order whatsoever.

Before I forget! Everyone should have checked out the Drunk Duck Awards 2010 by now! All the winners have been announced, and JustNoPoint has been uploading congratulatory comics, acceptance speech comics, etc as well! So there is a ...

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THURSDAY'S FEATURE --> The Beast Legion

Ozoneocean at 12:25AM, Sept. 23, 2010

The land of Lithopia has been free and peaceful these last 30 years… but that's all about to change now. The planets are aligning and there's nothing the king can do to avert the prophecy… The Shadow Nexus will return and once again plunge the kingdom into terrible ...

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MONDAY FEATURE -> The Breach Spheres

skoolmunkee at 10:40PM, Sept. 12, 2010

So there's this ragtag trio of adventurers with few scruples (and little common sense). They manage to kill a city guard (completely on accident, honest) and that sets them down a road which is probably best left for people more capable than them. They get tangled up with more ...

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MONDAY FEATURE -> The Ignorant Boys' Guide to World Maintenance

skoolmunkee at 12:26AM, Aug. 30, 2010

Just when you think you can't get any lower, something worse happens. That's just how it goes for some people. People like Randal- a homeless, jobless guy who turns to male stripping to get by. It's a living- until he meets an intimidating woman who takes an ...

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Mafia signups! And news about genejokes, squares, bullhonkenators, arachnids, and strawberries

skoolmunkee at 2:43PM, Aug. 27, 2010

MAFIA IS BACK! Signups for the new round end on Monday- so put your left foot in, and prepare to have it regarded suspiciously and possibly murdered! DDer same is running things time ‘round, I think this is a plain ol’ game, so something straightforward for the vets and easy ...

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The newspost OF DISBELIEF

skoolmunkee at 2:13AM, Aug. 21, 2010 sometimes we discuss it while we read. Then I'll put the background together and we'll go over our dialogue - what each of us says in the comic is basically what that person said, though sometimes the other will offer ...

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