Happy boxing day!

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Dec. 26, 2014
tags: boxing, christmas, day

I hope you'll all forgive me for a short newspost this week as I spend time opening presents, watching movies and baking with my family.

I'd like to thank everyone who took part in Secret Santa this year. I was completely blown away by the quality of the ...

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'Tis the Season! Art-based charities

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Dec. 19, 2014
tags: art, based, charities

Since it’s the holiday season, I thought I would take the opportunity to suggest a way that we can all express some generosity in a way that matters to us. I imagine most of us understand how valuable art can be as a way of escaping a bad situation ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Journey Man

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Dec. 17, 2014

Will is very, very ordinary guy, stuck in a job he hate with a boss who's a real dick… well, his life is about to get just a little bit worse. There are inter-dimensional ghost aliens, gigantic cockroaches, and all sorts of horrible alien creatures on the prowl ...

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Secret Santa participants - check your inboxes!

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Dec. 12, 2014

If you signed up for Secret Santa this year, your match has been sent to you via PQ!

Be sure to check your inbox for a message from me with the subject line “Secret Santa.” Please respond to the message so I know you got it! If you haven't ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Hard Luck Comics

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Dec. 10, 2014

Hard Luck Comics is a porthole that gives a pretty accurate view of life as a twenty-something living at home during a subpar, post-recession job market. Devon is a college graduate with an associate's degree, his own young-adult man cave, and parental pressure from his mother to get a ...

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Last Call for 2014 Secret Santa Sign-Ups

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Dec. 8, 2014

The deadline is quickly approaching and HippieVan would like to send out a friendly reminder that Wednesday, December 10th, is the last day to sign up and participate in this year's Secret Santa drawing gift exchange.

Signing up is easy, all you have to do is ...

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Gunwallace's Webcomic Theme Songs

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Dec. 5, 2014

Frequent listeners of the Quackcast have likely heard and enjoyed many of Gunwallace's music themes for DD comics. The songs are now available for listening at www.virtuallycomics.com!

If you haven't heard them before, they're well worth a listen - Gunwallace does a really neat job of ...

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Quackcast 195 - The DeadFingers of Peipei

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Dec. 2, 2014


-Art by Peipei

Peipei, artist of the very long running story comic DeadFingers in on-board for the Quackcast today! Peipei has been drawing the popular DeadFingers comic regularly for forever on DD, in addition to running her own successful business as a professional illustrator, AND being a great ...

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Happy Rabbit, Rabbit Day!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Dec. 1, 2014

Today is December 1st which means the holidays are around the corner on The Duck. A common thread between most denominations and cultures is that traditional foods are served around this time. For the month of December, I am going to include a traditional holiday recipe at the bottom of ...

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2014 DD Secret Santa - Sign up now!

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Nov. 28, 2014
tags: 2014, santa, secret, sign, up

Christmas is just around the corner – it’s time to watch Christmas movies, sing Christmas songs and stuff ourselves silly with baked goods.
And of course, Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without DD Secret Santa!

Check out the sign-up thread here: http://theduckwebcomics.com/forum/topic/176725/

Step One – Deadline ...

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