Hypothetical society, a Starship Trooper rant

Andreas_Helixfinger at 12:00AM, Dec. 17, 2023

For those who don’t know, having a hypothesis means assuming or entertaining a theoretical possibility. We see this be applied to fictional stories time and time again, particularly those that tries to paint a picture of a future society. Star Trek for example can be seen as a massive ...

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AI, Comics, and DD

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Nov. 25, 2023

You might have noticed a forum thread discussing whether AI comics should be hosted on the Duck. As always, big decisions on TOS or policy are discussed with the community on the Duck before we take any decisions. Whether DD will be hosting AI comics or not is one such ...

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Religion (part 2)

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Sept. 30, 2023

Last time I started talking about religion as a great umbrella term for a lot of facets of worldbuilding you can take into consideration when constructing the world of your story, be it webcomic, novel, series, or anything else.

This type of worldbuilding is especially prevalent in fantasy worlds, but ...

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Falling Into the Canvas at the Mr. Brainwash Museum

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Sept. 18, 2023

Photo: Life-Sized, Modern Sculpture Adaptation based on the Oil Painting “Yellow Hat Woman” by Edward Hopper. Created by Mr. Brainwash. Mr. Brainwash Museum. Beverly Hills, California. (August 2023)

Nestled in a non-descript corner where Santa Monica Boulevard and Beverly Boulevard intersect, steps away from Rodeo Drive in the city of ...

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Facing the Apocalypse

Andreas_Helixfinger at 12:00AM, Sept. 10, 2023

If you look up Wikipedia on apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction it will be described as a subgenre in which the earth’s (or another planet’s) civilization is collapsing or has collapsed. It can be due to the cause of nuclear war, or climate change, a pandemic (maybe one that ...

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Imitation and The Content Avalanche Ahead?

Banes at 12:00AM, Aug. 31, 2023

During the filming of Psycho, Alfred Hitchcock was unable to be on set one day. His crew filmed the scene for that day (I believe it was where Arbogast, the detective, goes up the stairs where he encounters Mrs. Bates). Hitchcock saw the footage, and said he had to reshoot ...

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Mercury Virus Rises to First Twenty Five Page Comic Milestone

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Aug. 21, 2023

Photo: “Mercury Virus Chapter 2: Beasts Uncaged page 3”. Story and art created by mercuryviruscomic; Colors by Jerry Lucas. (June 2023)

Mercury Virus was first drawn on pencil and paper twenty five years ago according to the comic’s history recollected by its creator, mercuryviruscomic. Today we are excited that ...

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Quackcast 645 - AI-cast

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 25, 2023

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We're chatting about the current state of AI, it's use, abuse, and the moronic way it's typically being utalised by mid-level businesses to screw over creative people and save money in the short term ...

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Banes at 12:00AM, July 20, 2023

Many of us have been talking about AI increasingly over the last little while, and it's a discussion point in the WGA writer's strike that's been going on right now. Actually, as of this Newspost, the actors have just gone on strike as well, joining the writers ...

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The Drawing Board

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, April 24, 2023

Photo: “Animator Desk Belonging to Frank Thomas”. Taken at the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures (by me). Los Angeles, California. (October 2021).

The mid-twentieth century animator studio has always held an aura of mystery to any mind that has ever wondered how hand-illustrated animation is created. Anyone who has drawn ...

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