Quackcast 334 - body technique!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 8, 2017


Let's get physical! let me hear your body technique!
As a follow up to my newspost on Friday about figure drawing, we all got together to do a Quackcast about it, along with contributions in the form of comments from DDers on my newspost. Figure drawing is hard ...

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Kopy Kats

HyenaHell at 12:00AM, March 31, 2017

Aight! It's that time again, ain't it? Now we been talking a lot about rules and limitations and discipline and approaches to making your comics and making them better. This week we're gonna step away from all that for a spell and talk about how not making ...

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Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Dec. 17, 2016

So this quote that, according to Google, is attributed to Picasso, popped up in my facebook feed, and now I want to talk about it.

At first I thought to make the newspost about plagiarism vs. inspiration, but it sounded something self explanatory, especially in a community of comic artists ...

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Quackcast 256 - Using and creating weapons in fiction

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Feb. 2, 2016


Tantz Aerine, Banes and Ozoneocean discuss the topic of using and creating weapons in fiction and some of the pitfalls involved- all the things you can easily do wrong and do better! Stuff like using overly specialised weapons in too general a role, like giant swords where they'd ...

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Advice for creating and using weapons in fiction

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Jan. 7, 2016

If you want to decent job of it, creating and using weapons in fiction can be quite tricky. There are a lot of pitfalls that newbies and even long time veterans of creating fiction fall into.

1. Number one is simply copying what others have done without understanding it yourself ...

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My cooker is broken! :[

skoolmunkee at 12:24PM, Feb. 4, 2008

How are you? Good? That's good. Good!

OK guys, I'll tell you something: I've been naughty. I've had lots of PQs for newsposts for a while now and been too lazy to make the newspost. I know, I'm a disappointment to us all. :[ So, let ...

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