Have you heard about The Devon Legacy yet? Well now is a great time to get into it! JustNoPoint is just re-doing his series now.
In the Devon Legacy we have a complex story with a lot of history behind it. People have special powers like psychic abilities, they ...
DD Store, PW ads, milestones, and interviews!
skoolmunkee at 12:29PM, April 21, 2010So how is the DrunkDuck Store working out for everybody? There's a lot of good stuff up there, but the smart folks will be telling their readers and fans that they have a store and it should be visited and stuff bought from! There is a thread about the ...
Updating problem still not fixed, sorry... Also, lots of regular news!
skoolmunkee at 2:51PM, March 14, 2010Update on the broken images/HTML thing- those of you who were adding pages, thumbnails, or editing your custom HTML for a period on Sunday, may have noticed that the images were broken or the HTML wasn't being saved.
Well! That appears to be working again now- except any ...
skoolmunkee at 7:02AM, Dec. 27, 2006The DD community project Short Stories has begun! Check them out - pairs of artists and writers got together to do 2-5 page stories about “life” … the first few are up already!
akakios3's Rick and Daphne has reached 200 strips! A huge congrats to you!
Phineus, Magician for Hire volume ...
Slipping in some more news~
Black_Kitty at 10:54AM, Sept. 7, 2006Got a message from Barb who does the fantastic comic Return of the Exile!
Hi! I jsut wanted to let you know, that on our Drunk Duck mirror, we are going to run the eight page Epilogue story that was available payperview earlier this year. We're going to run ...