I opened up my PQs and this news came out

skoolmunkee at 3:49AM, Aug. 22, 2009

RedNoseDog tells me that Counterfeit reached 50 pages yesterday! Congrats!

houseofmuses has an announcement too!

Been a great week for me! House of the Muses #2 is now on sale in paperback at Barnes and Noble and IndyPlanet.com!

I've sent out a press release this evening to ...

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I can has interviewz?

skoolmunkee at 6:10AM, Aug. 13, 2009

OK! We've had a steady stream of these in the Interviews forum and they are all worth checking out! But for today, we have elektro interviewing subs of WGO! subs is from the uncommon location of Estonia!

-What inspired you to make comics, and where do the ideas for ...

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Loads of news today, a little bit of everything! Signups, too!

skoolmunkee at 1:44AM, Aug. 10, 2009

Lots of stuff today so listen up!

First up we've got community stuffs:

FUSION SIGNUPS TIME! This is a fun, easy way to get into a community project without a lot of work! The Fusion is kind of a ‘game’ where the first person makes a panel, passes it ...

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DD Awards- finalists announced! A new interview is up! Publishing and milestones!

skoolmunkee at 2:24AM, Aug. 5, 2009

The DD Awards are underway! The popular-vote nominations are in, and you can see the finalists here! Congrats to everyone who snagged a nom, and good luck! Special thanks to amanda and JustNoPoint who have put a lot of time and effort into running this thing… their work isn't ...

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Monday feature - 1 DOLLAR

skoolmunkee at 1:15AM, Aug. 3, 2009

This little comic does a very simple thing: it tells the story of a dollar's life. Where has that dollar been? Who has used it? For what? Aside from looking perfectly lovely, it cleverly uses storytelling elements to move the dollar's story forward one ‘snapshot’ at a time ...

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What's better than news on a rainy day?

skoolmunkee at 2:54AM, Aug. 1, 2009

Karen the Marilith by Azaeziel (which I thought I put in Wednesday's newspost but seems not to have made it somehow) has reached 175! Sorry about the mix up, you have my most abject and humble apologies. Which maybe is not saying much because I'm just not an ...

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Milestones of all shapes and sizes, and a great new interview!

skoolmunkee at 3:17AM, July 29, 2009

Stickfodder sent me this last week but I accidentally deleted it- sorry! (It's all good though because he sent it again.) STICKFODDER reached 200 sticky comics yesterday, which was its 1 year anniversary to boot!

A very belated congrats to Hunchdebunch, whose comic The Door reached 25 pages some ...

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"Featured" Comic- the Drunk Duck Awards 2009

skoolmunkee at 4:46AM, July 27, 2009

“Featured” Comic- the Drunk Duck Awards 2009!

A lot of people didn't realize that these were happening last year, so we're hoping that featuring them will give them some publicity and help bring in lots of nominations! These are put together and run by you guys from start ...

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A spot of Saturday news to fill that weekend shaped void in your life!

skoolmunkee at 2:55AM, July 25, 2009

On Thursday, Aleks55's comic Important Business hit 150 pages!

Janen's back from a long hiatus, and has started publishing again! Per Ardua reached 100 pages on Friday, welcome back and congrats!

Also on Friday, Thirteen Under Seven the Manga by HiNaTa_fan_13 turned 50!

Today, GracehFaceh's comic New ...

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