and a little news to round things off

skoolmunkee at 5:34AM, July 27, 2009

Hello folks! Nice day, isn't it?

Lots of interviews lately! Harkovast, How Unforunate, A Loonatic's Tale, Interdimensional Transfer Student Erro - all great chats with your fellow DD creators and worth a look! There's at least one more on the way this week….

Graphictruth's 23 will reach ...

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A spot of Saturday news to fill that weekend shaped void in your life!

skoolmunkee at 2:55AM, July 25, 2009

On Thursday, Aleks55's comic Important Business hit 150 pages!

Janen's back from a long hiatus, and has started publishing again! Per Ardua reached 100 pages on Friday, welcome back and congrats!

Also on Friday, Thirteen Under Seven the Manga by HiNaTa_fan_13 turned 50!

Today, GracehFaceh's comic New ...

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Mafia needs YOU! Fusion finished, fanart contest, and milestones!

skoolmunkee at 9:43AM, July 23, 2009

Mafia XII signups are ON! Salsa is running it this time, and needs “a whole mess” of players- so I'm sure 5, 10, 15, or even 20 more people would be welcome. It looks like quite a mashup of myths, with mages, alchemists, valkyries and death machines. What is ...

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Charity art auction and lots, lots of milestones!

skoolmunkee at 3:30AM, July 16, 2009

I've been told that the LGBT Webcomic Charity Auction starts up on July 20th, which is a fundraiser for a good cause (and involves webcomics, so us comic nerds can really get behind it if the LGBT wasn't enough). You want kids to get scholarships, don't you ...

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Do you fancy eating the brains of others? If so...

skoolmunkee at 2:56AM, July 11, 2009

Drunk Duck Mafia signups are ON! This fun forum game is in its 11th round, and as you may have noticed, the games have been picking up some variety on themes and rules. This time around, it's all about MONSTERS - as GM Product Placement describes it, “We're talking ...

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How can you have any news if you don't eat your meat?

skoolmunkee at 3:51AM, July 6, 2009

Elanor Pam's Sinful (you know, the one we featured!) turned 100 pages old on Sunday!

theRedDeath's Bad Guy High has reached 400 “official” pages! The comic is about a high school where kids learn to be supervillains…. honestly though I think regular high school is pretty good at ...

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Ozoneocean at 7:47AM, June 25, 2009


Eve is a singer, she's loud on stage, not so much in person, unless she's around Lilith. Eve and Lilith don't really get on very well. Lesbian, transgender, drag king, transvestite, gay, straight- they're just labels. These are the people. Eve's Apple by Christine Smith ...

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Ozoneocean at 1:11AM, June 11, 2009


Kazimieras is 13, a boy growing up in Lithuania in the 80s. The Soviet Union is an oppressive presence, but people's attitudes to it are complex, especially Kazimieras'! He likes to dream and think the best of people. He's an optimist, and life is always good as long ...

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This is not my beautiful news... no wait it is

skoolmunkee at 2:19AM, June 6, 2009

JillyFoo's Demon Eater has a contest going! Help her design a character (even choosing a gender) and not only get your design used in the comic, possibly win some other cool prizes as well! Visitits forum thread for the full rules and prizes!

Today, HyenaH_ll's The Hub ...

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Monday's feature - Traume Von Magpie!

skoolmunkee at 4:02AM, May 25, 2009

Do you feel like something a little out of the ordinary? How about the wandering (and incredibly depressing) dream imagination of Traume Von Magpie? One after another, Traume keeps dreaming. Innocent jaunts end in frightening nightmares, most of them namelessly creepy. His surreal adventures are fittingly rendered in a sort ...

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