"Every revolution is sparked by an art movement"

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Nov. 27, 2015

Jane Alexander, Butcher Boys

That happens to be a line from one of my favourite albums, a combination CD/graphic novel from an obscure now-defunct South African hip hop group.

I think it’s pretty easy to understand how a South African group would come to that conclusion. When I ...

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Watch Your Tone!

Banes at 12:00AM, Nov. 26, 2015
tags: Banes, Tone

this picture is only somewhat related to tone…but it has a costumed baby!

In my early days doing the Quackcast with Ozoneocean, we spent some time talking about story genres. I remember how we ignored whether something was a comedy, drama, or horror, because those aren't stories, but ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Berrybelle

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Nov. 25, 2015

A light pink woman descends from the sky and winds up in a psychedelic land of blue dinosaurs and strange alien creatures. This super heroine is made of candy and creates a whole new outfit complete with a pink tie just by using her mind. Her super powers include incredible ...

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Quackcast 246 - Characters: Fictional Love vs Real Life Hate

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Nov. 24, 2015


Characters you would love in media but hate in real life! -Don't read too much into the cover pic BTW, that was my little joke, as it usually is with these cover pics ;)
In this Quackcast, once again we have an ensemble cast of Banes, Ozone, Pitface, and ...

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Stories Written for Children (That Might Have Been Intended for Adults)

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Nov. 23, 2015
tags: books, haunt, me, that

The Giving Tree, Story and Illustration by Shel Silverstein

I remember reading along with certain children's books that became very near and dear to me as a young kid. Over the years, I revisit the story and it begins to take on a whole new meaning as my perspective ...

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New experiences!

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Nov. 20, 2015

Yesterday evening my friend and I donned our prettiest dresses and went to see The Marriage of Figaro. Neither of us had ever been to the opera before, and we weren't the only ones - it was “student night” where they sell cheap tickets to the final dress rehearsal, so ...

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Say My Name: Titles

Banes at 12:00AM, Nov. 19, 2015
tags: titles

Say My Name

There are titles that fit perfectly with their subject, titles that could fit multiple subjects/contexts, and titles that don't work at all.
Recently I've seen several titles referenced that made me say “I HAVE to see that/read that!”. I'll share those at ...

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Quackcast 245 - fiction influencing reality and the myth of the friendzone

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Nov. 17, 2015


In Quackcast 245 we TRY to talk about my idea that fictional characters, stereotypes, tropes and situations in media have influenced their counterparts in reality, and in a lot of ways helped to create them. Fictional stereotypes and tropes are made out of simplified models of things that happen ...

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Opportunitatem Cape

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Nov. 16, 2015

It had been years since I donned my black cocktail dress to spend an evening listening to one of my favorite writers, and that is exactly what I did on Saturday night. The scene was set in Long Beach at the Carpenter Performing Arts Center and I was excitedly waiting ...

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2015 Secret Santa Sign-Ups!

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Nov. 13, 2015

The absolutely incredible gift art I got from fallopiancrusader last year!

We had our first tiny snowfall today (surprisingly late for us), which means that I am officially allowed to start preparing for Christmas! And it wouldn't be Christmas without DRUNK DUCK SECRET SANTA!

I'm doing Secret Santa ...

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