shields up!
Our struggles are probably different in some ways, and maybe the same in others. But as comic creators, there are certain issues many of us have in common:
Finding time to make our comics,
Spending too little time…or too much time on them,
Making decisions about our ...
You Have a Superpower
Banes at 12:00AM, June 3, 2021Haters going to hate
Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, May 21, 2021
It’s a fairly common sentiment of the Internet. When you put yourself out there, you’re going to get others making bad faith criticisms for the sake of “trolling”. The phrase, “haters going to hate” is meant as a rallying cry for the ego; Bolster yourself with seemingly unearned ...
The Work of the Mentor
Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Oct. 17, 2020
Might as well get it out of the way: if you're a mentor in a story, chances are you're going on a boatride over the river Styx at some point.
When a mentor dies it's often the signal that the main character, the one being mentored, is ...
There Is No See Saw
Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, May 23, 2020
(I'm writing this after a very long and hard day of mental and physical work so if it sounds ranty or convoluted…. eh, you've been warned :P )
Humans are competitive by nature. Somehow we have to rank everything- all things, from the most concrete to the most abstract ...
The Day After
Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Feb. 15, 2020
Given that it was Valentine's Day yesterday, and that is associated with a lot of special moments between couples, I thought we could talk about the Day After! What do you do on the Day After? Do you run to buy a pill or do you roll over and ...
Guilty Pleasure: The Love Triangle Between the Alpha and the Beta
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Nov. 4, 2019
While binge watching Schitt’s Creek, I started to see the emerging love story between Alexis Rose, Mutt the bad-boy, and Ted the veterinarian. That was when I wanted to discuss one of my favorite comic tropes of the alpha male versus the beta male.
In Spiderman, Harry Osbourne is ...
QUACKCAST 426 - Sidekicking
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 14, 2019 LISTEN on our new player!
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Inspired by Emma Clare's Friday newspost about supporting characters, today we're discussing sidekicks! Sidekicks are a useful character type that are used in so many ...
Pure Evil
Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, April 20, 2019
I've talked about villains before and how they can be very nuanced in their motivations (without those motivations being redeeming) but today, thanks to Emma Clare's Friday post, I became inspired to talk about abject, absolute, abominable villainy! The twirling mustache type, the one that is so pure ...
The Need To Denigrate
Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Nov. 17, 2018
Lately there has been this pattern that I've noticed in both social media and mainstream comics/cartoons outlets that is very saddening: the use of denigration and belittlement as a promotional tactic, or as an argument.
More and more I seem to notice that new series, reboots, retellings or ...
Quackast 389 - Intimidating Baddies
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 28, 2018 LISTEN!
What makes bad guy intimidating? Tantz Aerine made a great newspost about the question, carefully outlining various key bad-guy properties like confidence, composure, efficiency, and amorality. Banes, Pitface, Tantz and I stomp ALL over that, traipsing about like drunken, muddy rugby players, as we blather on about our opinions ...